Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Boy of the Painted Cave

Boy of the Painted Cave

After you have read chapter 2 in Boy of the Painted Cave, respond to one of the following questions below. You are welcome to respond to both questions, but only one is required. Please write in complete sentences, which show thoughtful consideration of the book. Be sure to answer all parts of the question.

1. On page 29 Tao states, “Your demon of pain is gone. Now you can eat again.” Describe how Tao helped the wolf dog. How are Tao and the wolf dog alike?

2. Describe the slough. Why is it forbidden? Do you agree with Tao’s decision to enter the slough? Explain your answer.

Remember to write in complete sentences and proofread your writing before you submit your comments or questions to the blog. Read and respond to each others' comments. If you say that you agree or disagree with someone’s comment, tell that person why, but do it respectfully.