Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Boy of the Painted Cave

Boy of the Painted Cave

After you have read chapter 2 in Boy of the Painted Cave, respond to one of the following questions below. You are welcome to respond to both questions, but only one is required. Please write in complete sentences, which show thoughtful consideration of the book. Be sure to answer all parts of the question.

1. On page 29 Tao states, “Your demon of pain is gone. Now you can eat again.” Describe how Tao helped the wolf dog. How are Tao and the wolf dog alike?

2. Describe the slough. Why is it forbidden? Do you agree with Tao’s decision to enter the slough? Explain your answer.

Remember to write in complete sentences and proofread your writing before you submit your comments or questions to the blog. Read and respond to each others' comments. If you say that you agree or disagree with someone’s comment, tell that person why, but do it respectfully.


  1. 1. Tao helped the wolf-dog by removing the bone that was embedded in the roof of the wolf-dog's mouth, and once he removed it, the wolf could eat without pain. They both have disabilities, like Tao having his deformed foot, and the wolf-dog with the bone in the mouth.

  2. 1.they both have disabilities like Tao having his deformed foot. Tao helped wolf-dog by removing the bone that was embedded in the roof of the wolf-dogs mouth and once he removed it the wolf could eat with out it plain.

  3. 1. Both the wolf and Tao are similar for certain reasons. Tao has a bad right foot due to deformation. The wolf dog has a bone on the top of his mouth. Hopefully, Tao helped the staving wolf by taking to bone that was in his mouth. So the wolf could eat without pain. Despite the fact that they both have disabilities by Tao's right foot and the wolf-dog's mouth.

  4. 1. Tao helped the wolf-dog by removing the bone that was in the roof of the wolf-dog's mouth from birth, and once he removed it, the wolf could eat without pain. They both have something wrong with them, Tao has a deformed foot, and the wolf-dog has a bone on the top of its mouth.

    1. In the book, it mentions that the bone was lodged in his mouth because when the wolf was eating an animal, he was being too careless and the bone became implanted in his gum.

  5. Both the wolf and Toa have a certain similarity. Tao and the wolf both have a problem and/ or disability, Tao has a bad foot and the wolf had a bone lodged in it's gums.

  6. The boy and wolf both had a problem, caused by "Bad Spirits". Tao was disabled because he had a bad foot that curved inward not allowing him to walk like the other members of his pack. The wolf dog had a more of a problem than a disability, he had a bone stuck in his gums in the roof of his mouth. They were also both kicked out of their packs and into the wild to fend for themselves, but the dog wad kicked out of his pack permanently.

    1. The first part of the question was not mentioned. - M.D

  7. 1(The boy helped the wolf by feeding it.The boy and the wolf are alike because they both are disabled and they were casted out their groups.
    2(The slough is forbidden because it's a sigh go slowness and lacking.

  8. 1) Tao fead the wolf to help it. They are alike because the both have a disability, taos foot is messed up and the wolf has a bone in his gums.

  9. So far, so good! Glad we're back up and running and looking forward to the rest of your answers!

    Mrs. S. :)

  10. 1) Tao took the bone out of the wolf dog's gums/mouth. That his how now the wolf dog could actually eat now. Tao had a type of disability in his foot. He could not walk correctly. The wolf had a bone lodged in his gums at the top of his mouth. They both are different in a way from their tribe/pack.

  11. Part 1) Tao was worried about the wolf because of his lean face, until he saw that the wolf had a sliver of bone stuck in its upper jaw and couldn't eat. They wrestled until Tao got the bone loose.
    Part 2) Tao is much like the wolf because they both are trying to survive and find any meal that they can come across to not die of starvation.

  12. Tao removed the shard of bone that was preventing the wolf dog from eating from its mouth. He took away the pain from the wolf dog and over all save the wolf dog's life. They both similar in the aspect that they are, in a way, both our casts. Both of then seemed to have been sent out as out casts by the rest of their clan of pack. They also both had a physical disability. Tao had a "bad" foot, while the wolf dog suffered from and injury preventing it from eating. They both seemed to have suffered in similar ways. - Mercedes Da Silva

  13. 1. Tao helped the wolf by grabbing onto the white bone stuck in its jaw. He held on to it putting the wolf in pain but, Tao helped the wolf by pulling it out. Tao and the wolf were both alike because nether of them could eat. They were both hungry well, until Tao decided to help the wolf eat again. They also were both not with there pack or tribe.

  14. 1. Tao helped the wolf by taking the bone out of his mouth, and by feeding it. They are alike because they both were injured ( kind of for Tao ) Tao had a "bad foot" and the dog refused to eat because of a bone stuck in his mouth.

  15. 1. tao pulled the bone out of the wolfs jaw, their was a lot of blood but the wolf surive. they are alike b/c they were both banished from their clan

  16. Tao took the bone lodged in the skinny wolfs mouth and that's how she helped the wolf and they're alike because they both have a disability, Taos foot is bad and the wolf is skinny and cant eat.

  17. Tao helped the wolf dog by taking the bone out of the wolf-dog's mouth, and now the wolf - dog can eat. The wolf-dog and Tao are alike because they both have a defect like Tao has his deformed foot, and the wolf-dog had the bone stuck in his mouth.

  18. 1) Tao helped the wolf dog by pulling the bone out of his mouth that was stuck between his teeth. Once the bone was gone the wolf was okay and he eat again. Tao and the wolf dog were alike because they were both loners that were excluded from their family/group. Also, they were both hungry and in search of food.

  19. 1) Tao helped the wolf by pulling a splinter of bone logged in the wolf dogs jaw. This makes it a disability for the wolf dog to eat because of the pain it causes. This also shares a similarity to Tao because they are both vary famished and the wolf dog was most likely to have been sent out to look for food as Tao was doing.

  20. 1) Tao helped the wolf dog by pulling out the piece of bone that was logged in the wolf dog's jaw. It made it more painful for the wolf dog to eat and when Tao took out the bone, it made it easier to eat. They are similar because they both were kicked out of there group, away from their family. They also both were very hungry and in search of food and water.

  21. Oh gosh I almost forgot about this! I am doing #2. The slough. The slough is a murky, dense, swamp-like biome where the hominids think is filled with demons and evil spirits. I agree with Toa because food is food, and if it where me out there, I would rather face my fears and "evil spirits" than starve!

  22. How come almost everyone did #2?

  23. Question #1: Tao helps the wolf dog by dislodging the bone fragment stuck in the wolf's gums. This extraction of bone is crucial because the bone prevented the wolf dog from hunting and eating, both factors which are crucial to survival. Tao and the wolf dog are alike because both are individuals separated from their clan/pack, are considered outcasts, and survive meekly by scavenging for the small bit of food that can be found during the late winter.

  24. Tao helped the wolf by taking the bone out of the wolf's gums .Why that was important was because the wolf would probably die from not hunting because his gums were so weak. How they are similar is both of them separated by their pack and had suffered for food. Number 2

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. 1)Tao helped the wolf by taking out the piece of bone that was lodged into its gums.They are alike because have been 'kicked' out of the camp and pack

  27. 1. Tao helped the wolf dog by removing the splinter from his tooth which saved the wolf dog because it couldn't eat nor hunt because it hurt him to chew, therefore the wolf dog was starving. Tao and the wolf dog are alike because they are both hungry and are both in the wild alone and they are fledglings.

  28. #2 The reason the slough is forbidden because it is too slow and lacks and I do agree with tao because if you starve you will die.

  29. 1. Tao removed the bone that was stuck in the poor wolf pup's upper roof of his mouth, and seeing that a demon is horrible, that's why Tao says your demon of a pain is gone. Tao and the wolf pup are similar because they both have their little problems. For instance, Tao has his bad right leg and the wolf pup had a bone jammed in the upper roof of his mouth.

  30. 1. There was a bone stuck in the wolf's mouth that was keeping the wolf from eating so Tao took the bone out. Both Tao and the wolf had a bad leg.
    2. Because people thought there where demons in there. i do not agree with Tao's decision because if the elders said there were demons there, even if it isn't true, I would believe them.

  31. 1) Tao helped the wolf dog by pulling the bone out of his mouth from being stuck between his teeth. Once the bone was gone the wolf was okay and he could finally eat again. Tao and the wolf dog were alike because they were both lonley that were not included in their family/group. Also, they were both hungry and in search of food.

  32. Well Tao pulled the long silver bone jammed from its upper jaw so that was why the animal refused to eat.
