Recommended Documentaries & Movies


Ancient Egypt

TV Documentary (2003)

TV Documentary: History Channel (2006)

TV Documentary: Discovery Channel (2004)

TV Documentary (2010)

TV Documentary (1996)

 Egyptian Secrets of the Afterlife
TV Documentary: National Geographic (2009)

TV Documentary (2011)

TV Documentary: History Channel (2006)

Modern Marvels: Egyptian Pyramids
TV Documentary: History Channel (2003)

Egypt Eternal: The Quest for the Lost Tombs
TV Documentary: National Geographic (2002)

Egypt's Golden Empire
TV Documentary (2002)

 Ancient Greece

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

TV Documentary: PBS (2000)

In Search of History: The Greek Gods
TV Documentary: The History Channel (2004)

Troy: Unearthing the Legend
TV Documentary: The History Channel (2004)

Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Greek Myths
HBO Series (1991)


  1. I recommend Egypt: Whats Left Behind
    It is very informative but do not watch it if you have a fear of mummies.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I reccomend reading some articals about the stone age. They really make you think about our past evolutions, what we looked like, how we changed, and our traditions.

  4. I recommend the article about the Ice Age Child Found in Prehistoric Alaskan Home ,because it sounds interesting and mysterious in some ways like how old is the child ? How long has he or she been there ? When was he/she found ? I like to learn about Ice Age times because of the animals and basically because it teaches us a little bit about what life use to be.

  5. I really enjoyed the video and how it explains archeology, it was inspiring and made me want to be an archeologist, though I must admit, it really could have used more enthusiasm. The narrator was very plain and sounded like a robot, "BEEP BEEP BOOP BOP!"

  6. When cotgraphers design flat maps, they have to deal with the trouble of something called disortion, this is the format of the landscapes when drawn, sometimes a peiace if land can turn out to be EXTRREMELY wrong. From its exact size to its exact shape. This can be a problem.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Using a globe is much better than using a map, a globe can be much more accurate than the original 2D paper. When cotographers use paper to scetch out the images of land, they may make some scale mistakes due to the formation, as show in the first video.

  9. The way globs are made is by takeing multiple prints of the most accurate maps, and cutting them into twelfs, then the twelfs are pressed against a sphere until they are shaped in the same 3D figure. They take it off the sphere, and it turns into a hollow shell. This is basically how they make their globes.

  10. Learning about the Olmecs is important because it is likely that their civilization is much more advanced, by studying them, we could learn alot of our own. And plus it is interesting to know about our past centuries of human life.

  11. They created the Earth by adding an earth god and an air symbol, which was represented by a tree, then they put the plants. after that they put the animals.

  12. The tree was important because it reached into both the 9 layers of the Maya underworld, and to the highest part of the sky.

  13. The first humans they made were similar life beings such asa ourselves, but they destroyed them because they only killed the animals, and didn't worship the gods. The second pair of humans they made were wood and still didn't worship them, so they basically didn't like what didn't care for thier creater.

  14. I think scientist are interested in learning about Palenque because it teaches important facts about our past human civilizations.

  15. I think the most interesting part of this unique city is that it is mostly run on religeon.

  16. A peice of history I would lilke to tell if I deciphered a Mayan code would probalbly be more of their mathmatical system. If we were to copy their number system, or even were able to find out what it all means,( including what they measured with the system), we could have a beakthrough from their brilliant accuracy.

  17. I saw that the Mayan codex of this kind showed, ( like in our books today), what appeared to be small and strange pictures that did not look like a story going horizantantally, but, those little words were surrounding larger pictures that accually looked like a story. I aslo noticed that there were also some type of mayan numbers underneath the smaller text. This is what confuses me.

  18. I belive that the Mayan writing prosses is very creative, with the small assortments of pictures, I noticed how each word was written vertically, but all placed horizantally. But, the language takes up alot of room. If I were them I would have just written line language. This video made me feel as if I was learning so much about their writing system without even knowing it. It was so calm, and yet interesting. I liked it.

  19. I think the calendar was very important to the Maya because it not only told what time of the year it was, but they also had calendars for religious pourposes.

  20. The Mayan calendar is similar to our own because some of their calendars DID tell what time of their year it was.

  21. Once again the Mayan calendar is different because not only is more accurate, but also very religious compared to our own, also, it works with the allignment of the moon, while ours works with the acual days.

  22. I noticed that the Aztec and the Mayan are similar because they are both very religious, as seen from the image, they wore colorful clothing that I assumed represented their Gods and beliefs. But I also observed that they served completely different characters as the Mayan worshiped the Jaguar and the Aztec served a completely different animal, one I could not make out. It is obvious that I would expect this to be seen as their socities are hundreds of years apart. Just like in our own history words change over time.

  23. Question 1-
    Tao helped the wolf by pulling out a bone launched in his upper jaw. This wolf and Tao are alike because both can not yet hunt, and have been kicked out of their own pacts.

  24. Question 2-
    The slough is an acient garden that is forbidden by the apparent "evil spirits" that lerk there. I belive Tao should not have gone there, it was foolish of him to even think about breaking another rule after doing this has gotten him to a setting of solitude.
