Saturday, August 31, 2013

What Is Archaeology?

Due by FRIDAY, Sept 6th:

Click on the link titled "YouTube: What Is Archaeology?" under the The Stone Age & Rise of Civilization: Links & Resources section on the right.  Watch the video (about 6 minutes) and then post your answers to the two questions below.

Note:  Your responses MUST be in complete sentences with capital letters and appropriate punctuation.  Your post is worth 10 homework points.  Enjoy!!

Question 1:  Describe one or two new things you learned about the field of archaeology from the video.
Question 2:  Why do you think the field of archaeology is important in the study of Ancient Civilizations?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to 6th Grade Ancient Civilizations!

Welcome to 6th grade Ancient Civilizations!  Your first "blog" assignment is to do the following:

1.  Take some time to look over the list of links on the right side of the page (you are welcome to click on them to see more detail).  Think about some of the topics that catch your attention the most.  When you are ready, you will "post" a "response" to me telling me what interests you the most and why.  

2.  You must post your response in the following format:

     *  Complete sentences
     *  Start with capital letters; end in punctuation!
     *  Check your spelling!
     *  Your answer must have at least three (3) complete sentences
     *  Your post is worth 10 points!

P.S.  There is no right or wrong answer.  I am just looking to see that you can organize your thoughts.  :)

Mrs. S