Saturday, August 31, 2013

What Is Archaeology?

Due by FRIDAY, Sept 6th:

Click on the link titled "YouTube: What Is Archaeology?" under the The Stone Age & Rise of Civilization: Links & Resources section on the right.  Watch the video (about 6 minutes) and then post your answers to the two questions below.

Note:  Your responses MUST be in complete sentences with capital letters and appropriate punctuation.  Your post is worth 10 homework points.  Enjoy!!

Question 1:  Describe one or two new things you learned about the field of archaeology from the video.
Question 2:  Why do you think the field of archaeology is important in the study of Ancient Civilizations?


  1. I learned from the video that to be an archaeologist you have to like to be outside and have an interest in history. You also have to go to college.

    Archaeology is important to the study of ancient civilizations because we would not know about the past with out it or the archaeologists that find the valuable information. Archaeology is very important.

  2. What I learned in this video is that you have to be interested in history and like being outside. Archaeology is important in the study of Ancient Civilizations because it helps us know about our past or the history with out it or the archaeologists that find out our valuable information. That is why Archaeology is very very important for us !

  3. 1 of the things I learned of being an archaeologist from the video is that its not just about digging stuff up from under ground its away of life and understanding people who lived before us.

    Archaeology is important to ancient civilization because its the study of were we came from to this day.

  4. Archeology is the study of human history and pre history through artifacts. Archeologists survey as they walk. In order to become an archeologist you have to work hard, love the outdoors, love history, and commit to college.

    Archeology is important to Ancient Civilizations because it helps us now what happened in the past and present. Archeology is very important.

  5. One of the things that I learned is that sometimes archaeologists have to dig and get their hands dirty to find something that their searching for.

    Archaeology is important because it can tell us how we have evolved, or what happened long before us.

  6. One thing i learned is that archaeologists choose to help use found out our history.And sometimes they do have to get dirty and put emotions,money,but most of all their time in to digging and founding history.

    Archaeology is important because if we didn't have them we would have never found out that dinosaur walked the earth or that the earth had a ice age or that we rinse and became humans.

  7. Archeology is the study of human history and pre-history through artifacts. Archeologists survey the ground as they walk to search for clues. In order to become an archeologist you have to do the following work hard, love the out doors, love history, and most of all commit to college.

    Archeology is important to Ancient Civilizations because it helps us know what has happened in the past and present. Archeology is one big important part of Ancient Civilizations.

  8. I learned that archaeologists use compasses to walk in a striate line with flags. The look for clues about stuff or artifacts that mite be there. Then they pick a couple spots to start digging.

    Archaeology is important because we would never know what happened in the past. We wouldn't know about the dinosaurs or how the earth looked at the begging. We know all this stuff because of archaeologists.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Archaeology is a way of learning about the past. It is important to learn archaeology because we would not know about the past like the caveman and the first wheel and the dinos. That is why archaeology is important. I learned that archaeologists dig up things like bones from the stone age.

  11. An Archaeologists life depends on somebodys point of view. This girl says that it is hard but pays off. It pays off with many friendships. You also go on many adventures. I learned that they do surveys to determine if a dig will be commenced or not. It is important because it lets us know what happened in the past if we do not have sources.

  12. Archaeology is the way of learning about the past. Archaeologists dig up bones and bodies for the stone age.

  13. The author has a different definition on what archaeology is. The world can learn from the people of the past about their accomplishments and failures.

  14. 1. I learned that the the archaeologist use different tools and dig up bones 2. I Think that archaeology and ancient civilization tie together because you need to know allot of history.You also need proof

  15. The most interesting topic for me was the dark winters led to bigger eyeballs. It made me think about how our body's change during the years and different seasons. Also another one was the oldest skeleton found in America. I was exited to read it.
    Also a good one how to make a mummy.

  16. One thing I learned is that archaeologists must never rush when they are doing a scope. If they did, they could miss a huge piece of evidence to how the past was lived.

    Archaeology is important to our Ancient History class because, without it, we would have nothing to study.

  17. The concept that gripped me the most was if you study archeology, you can experience the world in a whole other light. This makes me want to change my career in the future to an archeologist. Though it will be a long time before I get a scholarship, pass college, and become an archeologist, but time will fly and before I know it, I will be studying the earth in a whole different perspective!

  18. Question 1: Describe one or two new things you learned about the field of archaeology from the video.

    One interesting new fact that I learned was that anything over 50 years old is usually worth examining.

    Question 2: Why do you think the field of archaeology is important in the study of Ancient Civilizations?

    Archeology can explain and classify things found from ancient civilizations that still exists and can some how be studied.

    Have a good night Ms. Scudder -Mercedes Da Silva

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  20. Archeology is learning about how our ancestors once lived and what technology they used and how they used it.
    So when we study the technology we turn it into something better like they bow' n' arrow or boats.
    Millions of people use their technology everybody and even more lets say Leonardo de vinche and the wright brothers made a way to fly and we used their blue prints to create airplanes the way they are today. Archeology helps us create what images people had before us with technology we made this world better.

  21. A few facts I learned from this video is that in order to protect artifacts from potentially being destroyed, archeologists do archeological digs. I also learned that you must LOVE the outdoors so you don't have a hard time out there. I think archeology is important to the study of ancient civilizations because without it, we would not have as good of a idea about how people lived and what they used to live as we do now.

  22. 1-Two things I learned about archeology are that #1they take a compass and walk together in rows, if they see something they stop and dig. #2 The things that they dig up teaches them about the past.

    2-The field of archeology is important to learn more about the past and ancient cultures, like the pyramids.

  23. In order to be an Archeologist, you need to love to explore. You need to see the world as an undiscovered place where unimaginable things used to roam, like dinosaurs. You need to not be afraid of getting a little dirty, you can't be afraid of too much sunshine, and you need to prepare for lots of walks. Many things haven't been discovered yet, like many bones, stones, and gems, etc. Archeology is important for Ancient Civilizations because, without it, we wouldn't know much about the past, and many people who really want to learn about the past wouldn't be able to.

  24. 1 To be an archeologist you have to go to college. Archeologist are sometimes working in very unsafe places. They have to be trained so they can protect themselves.

    2 If we didn't have archeologist we wouldn't have found most of the the stuff that we have now. We would not have any idea how our ancestors lived or how old animals may have looked.

  25. 1. I learned that almost anything that is at least 5 decades old is worth studying so we can find out what an abject looked like or did 50 years ago.
    2. Archeology is important because if we did not have archeology then we would never know what happened a hundred years ago, or 2,000 years ago.

  26. 1. I learned that archeologist they dig and look at things to understand how people lived before us.

    They only use meters when measuring.

    2. To learn from their mistakes.

  27. Question #1: I learned that archeology is more than just the study of human history through artifacts. Also I learned that archeologists have to survey many random places.

    Question #2: I think that the field of archeology is important to the study of ancient civilization because if we didn't have archeology we would have no way of knowing what happened in the past.

  28. 1.You have to go to collage to be an archeologist.
    2.Objects that are 50 years of older are worth looking at.
    Archeology is inportant to ancient civilizations because it is the study of our past and could possiby tell us the future.

  29. Question 1:
    I learned that being an archaeologist takes effort and is a lot of hard digging outside. I also learned that archaeology is the study of human history by looking at artifacts.

    Question 2:
    I think that archaeology is important because we will know how people lived before us and we can compare our lives to theirs.

  30. One thing that I learned from this video is that being an Archaeologist takes time and sometimes you find and see things unexpectedly . Also Araeology is important to Ancient Civilizations because it helps teach us about are past and what possibly lies a head.

  31. 1.) One of the things I learned on the video was Archaeologists must have a college degree. They can explore many places. Archaeology is like adventurers exploring.

    2.)I think Archaeology is important in Ancient Civilizations because it tells about the past.

  32. One thing I learned from the video is that it's not about digging random things up it's about understanding life in a diffrent way, and discovering new things.

    I think archeaology Is important in ancient civilisation because it tells you about the history before us

  33. Question 1: Describe one or two new things you learned about the field of archaeology from the video.
    You have to be good finding clues.
    2. Archaeology is important because it helps learn about how things were done back then.

  34. 1: I learned that in archaeology you must travel to collect information and to study how people lived and functioned long ago in past times.

    2: I think that if a civilization had died and all that was left was bones and skeletons, you would be able to discover the artifacts and bones of what was left to learn more about that culture.

  35. 1 I learned about the tables they used.

    2 To know what our ancestors did or looked like.

  36. 1.I learned that you not only have to think outside the box but you also have to understand it from a different point of view.

    2.Archeaology is important because if we didn't have it than we wouldn't know about our ancestors and understand what they found and discovered.

  37. 1. I learned that to be an Archeologist you have to enjoy being outside and love learning about history! 2. Archeology is important because if we did not have it , we would not understand or know much of anything about our ancestors, how they lived, and what materials they used!

  38. 1. I learned that archaeology involves not only digging things up, but surveying the land and traveling the world. I also learned that there is a lot of hard work involved and you have to be outside all of the time.
    2. Archaeology is important because it provides the clues to how people lived in ancient times.

  39. 1) Archaeologists research where ancient civilizations used to be located. Then they dig and find artifacts. This helps us learn new things about how people lived in ancient times.

    2) Archaeology is important to the study of ancient civilizations because it helps us to understand how real people lived their lives and what was important to them. It can help us understand ourselves.

    p.s Geary, Conor Geary, at your service.

  40. Two things I learned about the field of archaeology

    1)If its over 50 years old you should check it out.

    2)when do archaeologists dig: sometimes we dig to undercover whats underground to protect it from disturbance,
    and to learn more from what they saw on the surface.

    I think the study of archaeology is important to ancient civilizations because we would not know about are background and our ancestors we would not know about how our ancestors lived and made things.

  41. 1 Question:You have to be willing to get dirty.You have to be willing to explore.

    2 Question:Archeology is important because it helps us understand how people lived built, things ,harvested crops,and stored food

  42. Question 1 you have to be outside for long periods of time.
    Question 2 Archeology is important because you need it to find things out.

  43. Archeology is a field of science where you learn about what has happened in the past. You have to have a lot of patience looking for artifacts and you work outdoors.

    Archeology is important in the study of ancient civilizations, because it helps you to understand how people lived in the past.

  44. Is Russia the landscape the birthplace of native Americans

    I really think that the native Americans really coming from Russia because this is what I read is.
    Native Americans originated in small mountain regions in southern Siberia, and a new genetic research shows.
    Work is the most important target to study a genetic "homeland".

  45. Q#1-I learned that you find handmade things or human remains.

    Q#2-Its important because it tells us about thing long ago that we do not know about.

  46. Q#1-I learned that you find handmade things or human remains.

    Q#2-Its important because it tells us about thing long ago that we do not know about.

  47. Q#1-I learned that you find handmade things or human remains.

    Q#2-Its important because it tells us about thing long ago that we do not know about.

  48. Q#1-I learned that you find handmade things or human remains.

    Q#2-Its important because it tells us about thing long ago that we do not know about.

  49. Q#1-I learned that you find handmade things or human remains.

    Q#2-Its important because it tells us about thing long ago that we do not know about.
