Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to 6th Grade Ancient Civilizations!

Welcome to 6th grade Ancient Civilizations!  Your first "blog" assignment is to do the following:

1.  Take some time to look over the list of links on the right side of the page (you are welcome to click on them to see more detail).  Think about some of the topics that catch your attention the most.  When you are ready, you will "post" a "response" to me telling me what interests you the most and why.  

2.  You must post your response in the following format:

     *  Complete sentences
     *  Start with capital letters; end in punctuation!
     *  Check your spelling!
     *  Your answer must have at least three (3) complete sentences
     *  Your post is worth 10 points!

P.S.  There is no right or wrong answer.  I am just looking to see that you can organize your thoughts.  :)

Mrs. S




  1. Thank you for visiting this site with me in class today! I look forward to reading all of your wonderful thoughts and ideas! :)

    Mrs. S

    1. I really hope you have a great weekend Mrs.Scudder!

  2. I really enjoyed the article on Cleopatra's make up. I thought it very curious that the chemicals that should of harmed humans were un-harmful due to other chemicals in the make up mixture. I very much look forward to learning more on the Egyptian beliefs.

    1. I do to ! it is so interesting

    2. I also read the article on the sacks of human waste. it was gross. yet strangely interesting.

    3. Eww gross why would you read that?

  3. Cool I finally got in! I found this link that you may enjoy about an ancient Pharaoh.
    Egypt and Greece are my favorite subjects and I hope we will learn about them.

    1. I like Egypt, Greece and Rome. My favorite part of them all is the mythology.

    2. My favorite Greek god is Poseidon. (God of the Sea)

    3. I prefer the goddess Artemis. She represent what women can grow to be. I also like the Egyptian goddess Bast. Then for Rome, I like Arcus. She is the roman aspect of Isis.

    4. my favorite god is apollo because i love archery

    5. Apollo is one of my favorites too, here is a link if you want to find more about him.

  4. I enjoyed the Cleopatra's make up article. About how it a chemical in it is supposed to be harm to humans but actually isn't! I hope I get to learn more about Egyptian Beliefs!

    1. You so copied me!!!! I'm not mad though. But maybe i should be.....

    2. I did not ! When she told us about it , it was interesting to me! So I decided to take a look and read the article!

  5. Love it! I am enjoying your posts so far, gang! Please remember to include capital letters, punctuation, and complete sentences, etc! :)

  6. What i am most interested in is gladiator fighting. I saw that story about the gladiator in class and i really am eager to learn about them. For one activity, i think we should do gladiator tournaments.

    1. It would be cool if we could build a model Colosseum where they fought in.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. FYI If you want to watch the Movie Cleopatra it is 4 hours.

  8. The subject that interested me the most was the Egyptian section. I really like the song "Walk Like an Egyptian." I thought it was funny. I also enjoyed watching "How To Make a Mummy." It was kinda cool but also kinda weird.

    1. I loved the walk like an Egyptian video to. It gives Egypt a modern spin.

  9. I really liked that rap song called "Walk Like A Egyptian". Its really funny. I have it on my tablet. I learned that the Egyptian alphabet is called hieroglyphics.

  10. I found another link to something that would fit right in with ancient civilizations. I found it on AOL.


    1. The article is very interesting! Thank you for sharing, Daniel!

    2. How do you find all these links?????

    3. I just find them on AOL, when they are interesting I post them. I spend a lot of time researching and learning things on my computer. After all, isn't that what they are made for. AOL means America Online. Like my profile picture?

  11. The article on "Oldest Blood Found in Iceman Mummy" was really interesting to me. It fascinates me how we've changed from then to now, inside and out! These articles are very interesting and I'm looking forward to reading them.

  12. Youtube:How To Make A Mummy caught my eye. I'm an artsy/sciency type of girl. So, since this is a mummy making activity, I might like this project! If we do this in class, I know I will get an A+.

  13. ooh ooh I like the one about the footprints that were left 25,000 years early.

  14. These are some cool links Mrs. Scudder!!!

  15. The cool Jobs Mummy Hunter was gross, but cool.

  16. Mason Whiteside
    I am most interested in is how Facebook changed our culture.
    I enjoy it. I like posting on Facebook. I like seeing what my friends post. I like having friends on Facebook.

  17. I liked the one about how facebook changed our culture. I also liked how to make a mummy. Iiked them cause they look cool and they were intresting

    P.S: I love u miss scutter your awsome!

  18. CIA central intelligence agency:

    It provides information on the history, people, government, communications. At the time, I found the article on archeology to be fascinating because it also talks about the history, people, government and communication of ancient civilizations. The CIA and Archeologist really catch my eye because I really love history and anything to do with military.

  19. I really enjoyed the section about ancient Egypt because it covered most of the basic facts about Egyptians. One article that I found interesting was the article about how kohl could have warded off diseases. How did the Egyptians know that the lead in the make-up combined with oxide from your skin can help to protect you from eye diseases? Here is a link to an article about early cancer found in a mummy.
    P.s. It would be awesome if we built a miniature pyramid!
    Virginia Babcock

  20. Ancient Maps & Geography are very interesting to me. It shows the maps of the Roman Empire. The maps show the locations of today's countries & the ancient civilizations. It helps me to understand how boundaries were formed.

  21. Egyptian fancy footware. I am interested in this topic because i love sneakers and shoes. I would like to know what they wore back then. I would like to know what they were made of.

  22. I just noticed that my comments were not posted....
    I would like to learn more about how Egyptians came up with the idea of pyramids and how they built them. What materials did they us? I am also interested in their art. The other topic is Neanderthals and the stone age. I saw Lucy in the Museum of Natural history in New York City.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I found a lot of interesting links on this website that I would like to learn about. The ones that really caught my eye were ancient Greece, and the Egyptians. They sound very interesting and fun to learn about. Have a nice night.

  25. I would like to learn about how we got here . And were we always human,What did we eat? Where did we sleep?

    1. Hey Erica its Jillian I'm interested in the same thing except Ms Loss already taught us a little bit about where we came from and you know what we looked liked .Remember we were once creatures of the sea but we turned into what we are today , well bye.

  26. I look through almost all of the links. The one that I liked the most was the Ancient Rome weapons. The reason I liked that link is because I think it would be nice to see the weapons from there time and our time.

  27. The most three interesting links to me were Mystery of the lost roman city solved, Walk like an Egyptian, and who was Cleopatra. I was so interested in these links because I love learning about ancient Egypt. I also like stories about roman life.

  28. I picked the article about sacrifice in ancient Mexico. It was interesting because the Mexicans thought they would get water (rain) from the rain god by killing people and throwing their body parts in the lake. I don't understand why they thought that would give them rain.

  29. I would like to learn about how Cleopatra Won her bet. I would like to learn about where we went to sleep. I would also want to learn about what we ate.

  30. I found a good link about some of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. http://www.kingtutone.com/pharaohs/

  31. I would like to learn more about Anubis and how he did his role I would also like to learn why he wanted to rule the world of the dead.

  32. I want to learn more about Zeus And The Great Flood. I also want to learn more about Greek mythology. I found a website with a lot of facts about Greek mythology: www.greekmythology.com
    I don't know if this link is already in the links on the right but i have it here if it isn't.

    1. (I didn't put a bunch of spaces it just published that way. I don't know why.)

  33. I was most interested in the stone age and rise of civilization and maya topics. The article on the pickled brain from thousands of years ago was really exciting and gross. Also I thought that the underground/underwater mayan tunnels were very interesting and exciting.

  34. I loved the hidden language of Korro. It's just so irresistibly interesting! The more I watch the video, the more I want to learn that language. Yet, who knew that governmental changes could completely should I say "delete" a language.

  35. Sorry, Koaltamer2002 is Nikos Palermo (me)

  36. What I found most interesting was the article that discussed early humans might have left Africa earlier than originally thought. The heat wave at that time caused by the ice age made high humidity. The sea level already higher than today, had significantly risen from the humidity enabling early humans to easily travel by water. This theory is supported by a recently discovered ancient toolbox found in the Arabian Desert. Experts say these tools with no doubt have identified them as ancient African tools.

  37. I was most interested in ice age child in prehistoric alaskan home because it was very detailed and had lots of interesting facts.

    Thank you,

  38. In today's society, chocolate is viewed as a tasty treat. However in ancient times, chocolate was thought to hold mystical powers and was used in rituals such as birth, death, and marriage. I was interested in this subject because I was curious as to how it morphed into the sweet and delicious treat it is today.

  39. 1. I learned that in the field of archaeology that, you might see things that you don't always expect. And if it's over than 50 years old they check it out. 2. I think that the field of archaeology is important in the study of ancient civilizations because archaeologists find clues and information that helps us learn about the past and who are ancestors were.

  40. As I was looking at topics, I noticed that all of them where about ancient Egypt. Then I noticed that all the topics where about Cleopatra. One thing I learned though is that Cleopatra's death is still unknown even though there are some theories.

  41. Three things I am most curious about are the Mayans and their lost cities, because I would love to be an archeologist and travel through the Mayan temples.
    Rome and how Pompeii covered manny people that had lived near Pompeii.
    Lastly I would like to study the Stone Age, especially cave art as I love art of all kinds.
    (Michael .Anthony)

  42. I liked the article about the Mayas trading chocolate for turquoise. I like to eat chocolate and I like trading stuff. I like to trade stuff with my sister. I wonder if they made jewelry out of the turquoise and if they traded it for other stuff.

  43. I found Iceman's last meal very interesting. I hope we get to learn more about this. If we get to mummify stuff can I bring the toilet paper?

  44. I learned that it takes guts and hard working to become an archeologist. Archeology is important because archeologist dig up lost tools and items so scientists can study the found item and introduced what it was used for, or say if there one step closer to solving a mystery or something I'm not positive.

  45. You know, I am more interested in the fall of ancient Rome. With the barbarians and whatnot. My mind was blown. Such a powerful country ransacked by a bunch of Neanderthals. - Ned

  46. I am very interested in exploring the Smithsonian museum. I have heard
    about it. I am also looking forward to learning a lot about the Stone

    p.s Geary, Conor Geary. At your service.................:/

  47. The ancient Greece area interested me most because of the gladiators and the toxic river that killed alexander.I liked the gladiators because it told you about the different weapons that gladiators used. The toxic river interested me because i didn't even no how people thought alexander originally died.

  48. I liked the one about the 11 thing you may not know about ancient Egypt. Here are five of my favorite ones.
    1. Cleopatra was not Egyptian.
    2. King Tut may have been killed by a hippopotamus.
    3. Ancient Egyptians loved board games.
    4. The pyramids were not built by slaves.
    5. Egyptians of both genders wore makeup.

  49. one of the challenges cartographers face is they can't put the whole worlds surface onto a flat map, it wont stay down.

  50. Using a globe will be easier because it shows the actual lengh, width, and hight.

  51. Sometimes using a map is easier because maps have scales to show how far away something is or how far or close you are.

  52. I really liked the article about Cleopatra and her eye makeup. I love how it makes her not have eye infection. Its for all genders!

  53. I really liked the article about Cleopatra and her eye makeup. I love how it makes her not have eye infection. Its for all genders!
