Friday, November 15, 2013

The Aztec Empire

Hola 6th grade!

Please read the assignment below, then watch the following video clips as an introduction to our study of the Aztec Empire.  Post your comments by Wed, Nov 20th.  Enjoy!!

Aztec Empire & Culture Interesting Facts

Tenochtitlan (The Impossible City)

The Mayan civilization existed for more than 2,000 years before the Aztecs.  After watching both videos, answer the following:

Imagine that you are a Mayan transported 600 years into your future, from the golden age of the Mayans (AD 850) to the golden age of the Aztecs (AD 1450).

1.  What would you notice that would be similar in both civilizations?

2.  What would seem new and different to you about the Aztec people and culture?

3.  Explain why you would see similarities between these two civilizations AND why you would expect some differences.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Maya Calendar

Hello again 6th grade!

Please watch the following video clips and post your responses below.  Your posts are due by Friday, 11/8.  Enjoy!

Video 1:  The Maya Calendar

Video 2:  What is the Mayan Calendar?

Post your answers to the following questions below:  

1.  The Maya calendar is so complex and accurate that historians and scientists still study it today.  Why do you think the calendar was so important to the Maya?

2.  How is the Maya calendar similar to our own?

3.  How is it different? 


Complete sentences
Proper grammar and punctuation
Answers must be thorough to earn full points