Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Maya Calendar

Hello again 6th grade!

Please watch the following video clips and post your responses below.  Your posts are due by Friday, 11/8.  Enjoy!

Video 1:  The Maya Calendar

Video 2:  What is the Mayan Calendar?

Post your answers to the following questions below:  

1.  The Maya calendar is so complex and accurate that historians and scientists still study it today.  Why do you think the calendar was so important to the Maya?

2.  How is the Maya calendar similar to our own?

3.  How is it different? 


Complete sentences
Proper grammar and punctuation
Answers must be thorough to earn full points


  1. #1) Because so they can tell when to plant crops and or to do anything on a certain day.
    #2) Well they both tell use what day it is and they both tell us when to do crops, and they also have numbered days.
    #3) They are both different because the Maya calender has about 16 days in what we call a week, when we only have 7 days in a week.

  2. 1. So the Mayans remember if a day is repeated, maybe they celebrate days that are repeated, or to know when somebody is going to be sacrificed.

  3. 2. The calendars are the same because the Mayan calendar has 13 numbers and our calendar has 30-31 numbers, both calendars will start the numbers over when the get to the final number.

  4. 3. The regular calendar starts of with January then February then March etc, as the Mayan calendar uses not months but animals, sun, moon, night, day, death, etc.

  5. 1) The Mayan might have thought it was important because they could plan ahead, for the future or because they don't repeat the same holiday twice when there not supposed to.

    2) The Mayan calendar is similar because they both tell us what day it was. They also told us when to do things and help us plan ahead.

    3) The difference is they used symbols, now we use numbers. And instead we have a certain time period until the days started new again.

  6. 1.) The calendar was important to the Maya because it marks the creation of the universe and it measures their history from the date of creation.
    2.) The Maya calendar is similar to ours by repeating the days of the week.
    3.) The calendar is different than ours by: Using numbers & signs that match up, they start over after day 13 & they only have 260 days in a calendar year.

  7. 1:The Mayan calendar was important because it marked the day of the creation of life.
    2: The calendar is similar to ours because it kept tracked of the date and the month.
    3: The calendar is different because our calendar has 12 months, the Mayan one has over 12 months.

  8. 1) The Mayan Calendar was important because it was the day of the creation of life for the Mayan people.

    2) It gives us time and date and repeats like our calendar.

    3) One reason it's different like I said is because it made the day of the creation of life and ours is the birth of Christ. We have twelve months they have OVER twelve months.

  9. 1. The Mayan Calendar is special because it would tell the people what would be coming up on each day.
    2. The Mayan Calendar is similar to ours because they both tell the day, week and month.
    3. The Mayan Calendar is different from ours because our calendar uses words and numbers and the Mayan Calendar uses symbols and glyphs.

  10. 1) The mayan calendar was so important because it told the time from the creation of life.

    2) The mayan calendar is like ours because it tells time.

    3) The maya calendar is so different from ours because it uses glyphs and ours uses numbers.

  11. 1 .It has numbers, days and symbols and marks the creation of the life for the Mayans.
    2. The Mayan calendar is similar to our own, it tells us the numbers and the days.
    3. The Mayan calendar uses symbols and they only have 260 days in a year and ours has 364.

  12. 1. The Maya calendar is so complex and accurate that historians and scientists still study it today. Why do you think the calendar was so important to the Maya?

    2. How is the Maya calendar similar to our own?

    3. How is it different?
    1. The calendar shows time and can tell when important events took place in there history.
    2. The Mayan calendar is similar to our own calendar, because like ours it records days and can be traced back for hundreds of years. It also goes with a similar system with our own calendar.
    3. The Mayan calendar is different from ours because, first of all there are less days and it is in the Mayan language and number system. Its different also because, it does not include the same months that our calendar does.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The Mayan calendar was important to the Maya because without it they would not know when to plant crops or when the world might end (or at least when they believed it would). The Mayan calendar is similar to our calendar because one of them is 365 days, just like ours. It is different because they had three calendars, and we only have one.

  15. 1)It tells what's going to happen in the world each day and how special each day really is.
    2)Its tells us the days like ours.
    3)They used symbols on their calendar and bars and dots.

  16. #1- An important date on the calender would be a sacrificial day, where only the gods would except an offering, or the right day for harvesting or a ball game or a holiday, or a...
    #2- They both consist of a complicated system based on the days and the sun; the people who made our's and the Mayan's calender were obviously smart and put a lot of thinking into their work.
    #3- The Mayans had three calendars, while we have only one and our months are not called Death, the Sun, or even Jaguar.

  17. [1] The Mayan calendar is special because each day is a new symbol, and it has 14 days around then it resets. I think this is worth studying because it seems like the Mayan took it really serious, therefore i probably has a very special secret.

  18. The Mayan calender is like ours because the Mayan calender goes through 14 day (twice as much as a week) and each day has a name. (normal calender example: FRIDAY)
    (Mayan calender example: • Jaguar)

  19. [2] the mayan calender is like ours because they both have a cycle of days that keeps on repeating FOREVER!!!!!!!

  20. the Mayan calender is different from ours because theirs has 14 days in a week, double of what we have. Their calender also used cool symbols and ours only uses *boring*

  21. 1. To keep track of how long a reign of a ruler, how long troops have been gone, or when the next sacrifice is so the gods won't get mad.

    2. It keeps track of time, much like our own, and both have to end at sometime, mayan calendar up to 2012, real american calendar until the year ends like January 1 2001- December 31 2001.

    3. They differ from each other because the mayans had 14 days in a week, not the regular 7 days. Including the mayan calendar ended in 2012, and our calendars end after every year. Also instead of using numbers like we do, they use symbols.

  22. 1) I think the Mayan calendar is so important because this is how they planned ahead and knew when to prepare for an event.

    2) The Mayan calendar is similar to our own by letting us know what day it is, it tracks time.

    3) The Mayan calendar is different since the Mayan's used symbols and the Mayan calendar is longer then our calendar now.

  23. 1. Its how they knew when to plant and harvest their farm
    2. It tracks time.
    3. The mayan calendar is different because it uses symbols instead of american numbers.

  24. 1. The Mayan calendar is important because it tracked time and it told when the world will end.
    2. It is like ours because it tracks days and shows weeks.
    3. The Mayan calendar is different because it has 14 days in a week and uses symbols.

  25. 1. The Mayan calendar is important because it told time, helping them know when to farm and harvest, and it told the Mayans when the world would end.
    2. The Mayan's calendar is like our calendar because it tracks both weeks and days.
    3. The Mayan calendar is different because it has 14 days in one week and uses symbols and glyphs instead of words and numbers.

  26. 1)because I think that they probably wanted to see how long there civilization would last.
    2) it is not similar I think that but probably no one else thinks that.
    3)they go by every 14 days and we go by 365 days. %-3

  27. 1. I think it was important for the same reason our calendar is important. It helps the Mayans keep up with specific events like the time of ball games, and things that happened in the past. It also marks certain events of Mayan creation.
    2. It is similar because the Maya calendar consisted of 365 solar days and our calendar consists of 365 days. It is also similar because our calendar includes days, months, and years, and the Mayans also incorporated their calendar to have days, months, and years. One unique similarity of the Mayan calendar is that it marks events that were in the past, just like our calendar does in recognition of Christ. This includes Christmas, Passover, Hanukah, and Yom Kipper.
    3. It is different because their calendar is based off of numbers that correspond with different symbols, like one Jaguar. Our calendar has numbers corresponding with words, such as the 7th Thursday. Their symbols mostly are sacred things and animals, while we have names like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on.

  28. 1.) The Mayan Calender is important because it showed all of the very important events during that time.
    2.) The Mayan Calender is like ours because it shows days and weeks.
    3.) It is different because it has 14 days in a week and it uses symbols and glyphs.

  29. 1.It was important because it showed the creation of the universe.
    2. Because it showed days and weeks.
    3.It would use symbols and we use numbers.

  30. 1. The calendar is so important because the Mayan used it to understand the universe the Mayan believed it brought honor to them and to there kings. Their calendar had three cycles that worked together.
    2. The calendar is similar to ours because it tracks days and years, it has 365 days and it goes on forever.
    3. The calender was different in many ways. The Maya had a specific date for the universe. There calendar has male and female symbols and has a system of cycles.

    submitted by conor geary p.s email not working

  31. 1) The Mayan calender is important because its away of showing the date and time. the months and days are named from the past years of life in history.
    2) For one it goes on forever and will never stop, and its tracking the months and dates.
    3) The mayan calender is like a clock that goes clockwise, and it has all of the numbers and words haves a sort of sighns.

  32. 1: Its important because it kept track of each day, and each was something different like serpent or death, etc.
    2: Like our days of the week, the Mayan calendar repeats each day FOR EVER AND EVER IN SPACE AND TIME...
    3: The names of the days on the Mayan calendar were very complex. Our years started with the birth of Jesus Christ, but the Mayans recorded time when the universe was created.

  33. 1. I think the Mayan calendar is so important to them because it is dealing with all their beliefs and ways of doing things such as believing in the deities, which ties into the creation and death of Earth.

    2. It is similar to ours because it has days that stop at a specific number that then leads to another "month" as we call it. The names of each months are similar, but different because they have a complex education unlike us we have a simple system, in my opinion. Also each day has a different symbol that is like holidays that we have.

    3. It is different because their number stops at 13 which is different from us because it varies from which month we are in. Also we do not have "holidays" or symbols every day like the Mayan's did. The "months" are different as well because as each year goes by the names of our months repeat unlike the Mayans because they have a different month name every 13 days. The numbering system is also different because we have numbers which are very simple compared to having lines and dots that takes time to decipher. During math these days we have some trouble doing multiplication, now try imagining doing multiplication with lines and dots and different symbols.

  34. 1. The calendar was important because by reading the calendar, because when the kings and priests are looking for an important day, they would look at the calendar t find out what did they needed to do something important.
    2. The calendar is similar because a part of it has 365 days, and both have specific, numbered days.
    3. The calendar is different because it is in a clocklike pattern, and the number of months are different from our own.

  35. 1) The calendar was important because the kings and the priest looked for a important day they would look on the calendar.
    2) It is similar because is has 365 days and it stops by specific time.
    3) The calendar is different because it is clocklike pattens and and the number and words are sighs.

  36. 1. The Mayan Calendar is important because it's so much like our own, yet different.
    2. The Mayan Calendar is similar to our calendar because it has a number of 13 days, like we have 7 days, looping.
    3. It is different because of the signs they use for specific days.

  37. 1 Becouse it would be like if we missed our calendar. Things would be very confusing and they could miss important days.
    2 It's alike because it has months, 365 days, a sorta kinda maybe week, and this is all a cycle.
    #3 The calendar is different because it is a clock-like patteren. It's also very complex and has many glyphs! Have a good weekend guys!

  38. 1. It helped them plan for events. The kings would rely on it.
    2. It has 365 days just like we do. It would last for 52 years.
    3. It has a lot of different signs and it looks and works like a clock

  39. 1.) It is important because it tells the creation of the Mayan calender.
    2.) It is related to our calender because it tell the days and weeks.
    3.) It is different tron the looks of it and the hlyphs.

  40. 1. The mayan calendar was important to the maya because it told them when a certain day was coming and it told them what day it was.
    2. It is similar to our calendar because it has days, months, and it has 365 days in one year.
    3.It is different from our calendar because it has more months and less days in those months.

  41. 1) It is important to them because it shows extremely important events that will happen in the future. It also helps them keep track of numbers.

    2) It is similar to ours because it shows time and dates.

    3) It is different because their calenders count 260 days and ours count 365.
