Friday, September 6, 2013

Map Activity

Political & Physical Map Activity - Due TUES, 9/10


1.  Use the maps below to help answer the questions on the attached worksheet.

Worksheet:  Click here for the Map Activity

2.  You may print the worksheet, fill it out, and turn the worksheet in to me on Tuesday OR ...

3.  You may write your answers on a separate sheet of notebook paper and turn it in to me on Tuesday. 

4.  If you would like, you may post a comment or questions about this activity below.  Have fun!  :)

Political Map of Europe
Physical Map of Europe


  1. I cannot see the bottom map, it is just blank.

  2. I don't see any stars on the maps.

  3. Thank you Daniel and Harley! I just reloaded the map. You should be able to see it now.

    Mrs S :)

    1. I like the idea of having a blog. You can talk to people who dosnt have your number. Gracie used to call and text about homework with me, but she has only texted me once when we didnt know adout the blog. I also got some from Catelyn. Thank you Mrs. Scudder, for this blog.

  4. Mrs. scudder I cant see anything on the bottom map.

  5. Mrs. Scudder I cant see the bottom map its to small for me to see the is kidda better but the key at the top is burly.

  6. Mrs. Scudder I also cant see the stars on the political map.

  7. Mrs.s I can not see the bottem map it's burly

  8. I found a way to answer the questions but i can not see th stars.

  9. Thank you for letting me know the map was hard to read for you all. I just enlarged both maps so you can see them a little better. We'll also go over these questions together in class on Tuesday.

    Mrs S :)

  10. This was a fun and easy assignment and also reminded me of Max (McMonigle)
    P.S. I also could not see the stars on the maps.

  11. This activity was easy and it only took a bit of time to do. I learned that the political maps, and physical maps have many different aspects.

  12. can't find the stars this is really hard my mom is even confused please help :(:(:(

  13. the questions were easy but I cant see the stars

  14. I could not find the stars on the political or physical map, but I was able to answer the questions.
