Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Deciphering the Maya Codices

Hello 6th Grade!

Please post your responses after watching the video links below:

Breaking the Maya Code: The Maya Books

The Dresden Codex

How the Maya Hieroglyphs Are Written

1.  Imagine that another codex has just been discovered.  What story (or piece of history) would you like it to tell about the Maya?  Why?

2.  Describe the Dresden Codex.  What do you notice in the details?  Compare a Mayan codex to a book we might read today.  What is similar?  Different?

3.  What are your thoughts about the Mayan writing process?  How did watching this video make you feel and why?  How do you think the Mayan scribes prepared their materials and chose their glyphs?

Have fun, gang!  I selected these videos because of the interest you showed in class.  Hopefully this will answer some more of your questions!  :)

~ Your answers must be in complete sentences.
~ You MUST use correct capitalization and punctuation.  Spell check too, please!
~  Editing your answers = full credit.  No editing = partial credit.  We're in the 2nd quarter - you know better!

Your posts are DUE this FRIDAY, 10/25.        

Friday, October 11, 2013


Hello Mayanists!

Please watch the following two video clips and read the short article on Palenque's Red Queen, then post your answers below.  Your posts are due by TUES, 10/15 I look forward to hearing your thoughts!  Enjoy!  :)

The Coolest Stuff on the Planet - The Lost City of Palenque

Maya-3D.com | Palenque - Temple of the Inscriptions

Palenque's Red Queen


1.  After watching the videos and reading the article, why do you think people - historians, scientists, anthropologists, students, etc. - are so interested in studying and learning more about the city-state of Palenque?   What makes it unique?

2.  What do you find the most interesting about Palenque?  Why? 

Temple of Inscriptions, Palenque

King Pacal's Funerary Mask      

The Red Queen

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Popol Vuh

Hello 6th Graders!

Please watch the following video from the Smithsonian Institution (click on link) and think about the questions listed below.  Post your answers by Tues, Oct 8th.  You may need to watch the video a couple of times before answering!  Don't worry, it's short!

The Creation Story of the Maya

Answer the following questions: 

1.  How did they (the deities/gods) create the earth?
2.  What was the importance of the Ceiba Tree?
3.  What kinds of humans did the gods create and then destroy as failed attempts?  What had gone wrong?

Enjoy!  We'll talk more about this in class.  :)