Friday, October 11, 2013


Hello Mayanists!

Please watch the following two video clips and read the short article on Palenque's Red Queen, then post your answers below.  Your posts are due by TUES, 10/15 I look forward to hearing your thoughts!  Enjoy!  :)

The Coolest Stuff on the Planet - The Lost City of Palenque | Palenque - Temple of the Inscriptions

Palenque's Red Queen


1.  After watching the videos and reading the article, why do you think people - historians, scientists, anthropologists, students, etc. - are so interested in studying and learning more about the city-state of Palenque?   What makes it unique?

2.  What do you find the most interesting about Palenque?  Why? 

Temple of Inscriptions, Palenque

King Pacal's Funerary Mask      

The Red Queen


  1. I think people study the Red Queen because she has a lot of mysteries that people have not found yet and I think that is why she is cool to me. I find that secret passage to be interesting be cause the people who buried the Red Queen were smart enough to build that. I think it would be cool.

  2. Scientist should keep studieing city-state Palenque because those buildings have more and more pathways that they haven't even found yet. I think it is unique because it's all hand made. I like all the secret pathways are the coolest

  3. 1) They study the place because its an ancient place. It has mystery's and secrets we haven't discovered yet.
    2)I found the way they built the temples. With all the secret enters are just so cool.

  4. Palenque is so interesting because it is estimated that less then 10% of the total area of the city is explored, leaving more then a thousand structures still covered by jungle- I wonder what they will find in these temples.

  5. 1 They study it because the temple has many secrets that we don't know about.
    2 I found out the Palenque was a farming group back then. They grew crops to trade for other goods.

  6. 1. I think people are so interested in studying about Palenque because only 5% has been discovered and there is so much more stuff to be discovered.
    2. I think red queen is most interesting because I would like to find out who she really is. It would be fun to go there to walk around.

  7. 1)I think people are so interested because there have been so many riches and secrets in Palenque.
    2)I am interested for the same reason. I want to uncover hidden secrets and the many riches those secrets can unfurl.

  8. 1. After watching the videos and reading the article, why do you think people - historians, scientists, anthropologists, students, etc. - are so interested in studying and learning more about the city-state of Palenque? What makes it unique?
    2. What do you find the most interesting about Palenque? Why?

    1) I think experts are so interested in the site be cause so little is known about the remains there.

    2) I am interested in the site because the identity of the red queen could hold the key to many more archeological sites. I also would like to see how the bodies were prepared and such.

  9. 1.) I think numerous people are interested in the Maya city of Palenque because it has a lot of good structures, hidden objects, & mystery still to be discovered.
    1a.) There are several things making the city of Palenque unique. The Maya temple is unique because it holds the Red Queen's tomb and her family. Also, only 5% of the city has been uncovered.
    2.) What I find most interesting about the city of Palenque is the story of the Red Queen. She is most interesting because she is buried in a red mineral that is very rare in those areas and hard to mine.

  10. 1)I think that people are interested in studding Palenque because of all the mysterious things that lye in its temples and in the soil. Its so unique because of the history it holds and ancient artifacts.

    2)What I find the most interesting about Palenque is that at one point in time under the temples and burial grounds there was a stream of water flowing under ground used for fresh water when they needed it.

  11. 1.) The amazing way it's lasted through out these years and years. Everything was cool back then and some things that have been there since B.C. are cool to study. What makes it so unique is the Red Queen and the inscriptions there.
    2.) Pakal because of how long he was king of Palenque from the age of 12-80 that's a very young king and then a very old king.

  12. I think people are interested in studying the Palenque because they have so many secrets that we need to recover. It is unique because all of the buildings have such amazing agriculture. In my perspective, I think the secret passageways are the most interesting thing about the Palenque because its amazing how they could make something so complex with so little materials to use.

  13. 1. I think Palenque is unique because, many hidden passage ways could be anywhere ( King Pacal's tomb), inscriptions, The Red Queen, how it used to be a farmland, etc.

    2. The Red Queen. I cannot imagine how long her body has been in that tomb, and her BONES ARE RED!!!!! How is that even possible? I don't know,but it might have to do with the minerals on her. How does tat even work?

  14. 1. Its really old and its only 5 percent excavated so there could be so many secrets just under their feet that they haven't found yet.
    2. What I find most interesting about Pakal is that theres so many things there that we haven't found yet because its only bean excavated 5 percent.

  15. 1. People study it because of all the secrets that could still be there.
    2. What I find most interesting is that Pakal has red bones because it could be a disease that was killed back then.

  16. 1. I think people should study it because as humans, we are always curious about what will happen next and all of the interesting information that it holds.
    2.The thing that I found most interesting is well, everything!
    I also think the reason the red queen's bones are red due to the mummification process.

    1. 1. It's important to study because the city is so old and scientists can see how people lived and survived. The inscriptions and the history help archaeologists study Mayan rulers and scientists get to study the remains of the red queen. The city has very detailed carvings and hyroglyplics which make it unique.
      2. What is most interesting is that researchers found Pakal and the red queen tomb in Palenque. The tombs were hidden deep inside the temples. Also there was water under the palace so that the people had running water in the city.

  17. 1. I think people should study it because as being human being, we are always very curious about what we may find, what might happen next, and all the interesting facts and information the artifacts will give us.
    2. What interested me the most about Pakal was the fact that there is many more things we haven't got to learn about because its only been excavated 5%.

  18. 1.) I think people should study it because of all of the secrets that could still be uncovered.
    2.) The thing that I found most interesting was the discovery of the Red Queen's mummy.

  19. 1) The reason I thing people would like to study Palenque and the artifacts in Palenque would be because there were many thing that we have found, but even more things that we have not found.

    2) What I found interesting about Palenque were the tombs and temples because that where most of the mystery's were made.

  20. 1I think that they are so intrested becuause it is a temple filled with secrets and things we dont know about.
    2 What I found intresting was the mummy it was very intresting.

  21. 1.People are so interested in learning about the city-state of Palenque because we have explored it only a little bit. We can still learn how they built and more about there lives.
    2.I was surprised at how well the bones had lasted and that DNA could still be found. Now we can tell if different people were related.

  22. 1)why are scientist anrcheolagist are interested in palanque probably beacause of all those glyphs on the walls.
    2)what do i fing most interesting about palanque is the glyphs because that is how they would communicate without words. I THANK YOU

  23. 1. The scientists are interested in studying the Palanque because it shows us many different ways of life, and how people communicated before us.
    2. The thing I found most interesting was how they buried their people. For instance, they would bury them in jade and other types of stone.

  24. 1. I think that people are interested in studying the Palanque because of the secret room and the red queen.2. The thing that I found most interesting was the secret room they found that lead to king pacal's tomb.

  25. 1. I think that people from all branches of science and history are interested by Palenque because it uncovers an important branch of society, royalty, and only 5% of Palenque has been found.
    2. What I think was most interesting was the fact that the red queen was covered completely in cinnabar, an element containing mercury sulfide that is red in color.

  26. 1. I think people want to study Palanque because theres a lot of stuff and rooms hidden in the place and not much has been discovered in those rooms.
    2. I think that they used jade for so many things like for instance architecture and other things they could use it for.

  27. 1. They are probably interested because they want to find out more about the nobles and rulers of the Palenque because it could help them better understand how society was structured and how people worked.
    2. i am interested in the secret room that person found that lead to the tomb

  28. 1. The city-state of Palenque is very unique. Archaeologists have discovered a secret passage to the tomb of Pakal ll. They have also discovered the tomb of the red queen in the same vicinity. Our human nature causes us to study more into what we find, and figure out who the red queen was. It is currently thought that it was Pakals wife. There isn’t enough evidence to make it a fact, but based on the decay of the body, they do not think she was older than Pakal. It is also unique because there was this much information discovered off of only 5% of the excavation site. This leaves a possibility that they could discover the tomb of Pakals kids. There is the chance that they could also discover more stuff on Pakals family history.

    2. I find the secret passage to Pakals tomb interesting. I believe it was luck that they came across that entrance. If there is one, than I believe that there could be multiple secret passages. I would like to be there, so that I could find more tombs or treasure troves. The thrill of the unknown is what makes secret passages unique to me.

  29. I think people are interested in Palenque because there is so much yet to be discovered and there are so many mysteries yet to be solved.

    I think that the most interesting part of the Palenque was the secret passage to king pacals tomb.

  30. 1.) I think that people are so interested in the Palenque because there are so many mysteries behind it. Besides they have only discovered 5% of the Palenque.
    2.) I think that the Palenque's civilization, and there homes, are most interesting because you can always learn more about it.
    P.S) its Carmin

  31. 1)I think people are interested in the study of Palanque because they have many unanswered questions. Some would like to know who is the Red Queen. Is she King Pacal's wife,mother,or sister.

    2)I find the tomb of King Pacal interesting.I would like to know how the May made something so amazing,and i am interested in the Red Queen who is she i hep she is his wife so we can see if he had children.

  32. 1. People want to study the city/state of Palenque because we can learn about how people were in these days.
    2. The Lost City of Palenque is interesting because you can learn about ancient civilizations. We don't know who the red queen was.

  33. 1) The reason I think people are so interested in studying this city is because only 5% has been studied.
    1a) The reason I think this city is so unique is because so much has not been seen and the parts that have been seen are amazing.
    2) To me the most interesting thing about that city is the red queen because it still has not been found out who she really is.

  34. 1 I think people should study it because of all of the secrets that could still be uncovered.
    2 The thing i found interesting was the mummy it was very interesting.

  35. 1. People must want to study Palenque, because after years of excavation, only around 5% has been uncovered, including the Red Queen (who still has not been identified).

    2. What I find most interesting about Palenque, is the size of it. I like thinking about how much is left to uncover, and what could be uncovered.

  36. 1. I think what people find so interesting in Palenque is all the secrets waiting to be discovered. What is so unique in Palenque is the intricate carvings in the stone.

    2. What I find most interesting is the hidden passages that nobody knows about. Also the tombs that are yet not identified. Another thing that amazes me is the carvings they make by hand.

  37. Gosh I hope this works!
    1It's a very one-of-a-kind site and it's the key to discovering new things about history! Also the video says that they have only uncovered 5% of the city. Imagine if all of it was uncovered!!
    2 They thing that interested me most was the architecture. It's truly amazing how they built all of this without machienary. And the "Red Queen" impressed me to even though she creeped me out a bit.
    Mwahaha it worked! >:D

  38. 1) I belive that the people are interested that its home of a priest who has been ruling since he was 12 years old till he was 80 years old. Palenque is unique because how long its been around (100 B.C - 600 A.D).

    2) The thing I find most interesting was the priest who started ruling at the age of 12.

  39. 1) people care about it because there are uncoverd mysteries behind it, such as the red queen
    2)I find it interesting was the priest could rule city states at the age of twelve
