Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Deciphering the Maya Codices

Hello 6th Grade!

Please post your responses after watching the video links below:

Breaking the Maya Code: The Maya Books

The Dresden Codex

How the Maya Hieroglyphs Are Written

1.  Imagine that another codex has just been discovered.  What story (or piece of history) would you like it to tell about the Maya?  Why?

2.  Describe the Dresden Codex.  What do you notice in the details?  Compare a Mayan codex to a book we might read today.  What is similar?  Different?

3.  What are your thoughts about the Mayan writing process?  How did watching this video make you feel and why?  How do you think the Mayan scribes prepared their materials and chose their glyphs?

Have fun, gang!  I selected these videos because of the interest you showed in class.  Hopefully this will answer some more of your questions!  :)

~ Your answers must be in complete sentences.
~ You MUST use correct capitalization and punctuation.  Spell check too, please!
~  Editing your answers = full credit.  No editing = partial credit.  We're in the 2nd quarter - you know better!

Your posts are DUE this FRIDAY, 10/25.        


  1. 1. I would want the new codex to be about the ball game and all the winners of the ball game.
    2. The Dresden codex shows animals and people. One thing it has in common with a book is pictures and words. Something different is the words are symbols
    3. I think the Mayan writing process is hard because of the little lines and the weird symbols. The video made me feel weird because there was a man writing and talking. I think the priests and shamans met in a place and choose the glyphs.

  2. 1)If another codex was found, I would like it to tell more about the Mayan Gods, because I find that the Gods that they worshiped were very fascinating with their backgrounds and history.
    3)My thoughts about the Mayan writing process is that I think that it is fairly cool but super amazing. It made me feel like I just saw something that not a lot of people get to see, because of how he showed how they wrote the glyphs and read what they meant.

  3. 2)I noticed all of the different designs and features on some of the creatures and the lines and dots that were written below and above the glyphs. They are alike because they both have meaning and stories to tell, and they are different because one reads from pictures and symbols, and the other reads from words.

  4. 1: I would like to tell the story of the mayan gods because the gods made us who we are today.
    2: A codex is written in symbols and our books today are in English and in words.

  5. 1.) Breaking The Maya Code: The Maya Books
    If another codex was discovered, I would like to find out more about the Xilibaba. I would like to know more about what it looks like.
    2.)The Dresdon Code
    The Dresdon Code is a manuscript filled with random glyphs and symbols with no explanation. Some drawings appear scary. I find them interesting and creative. Each glyph tells a story. When comparing books today with the Dresdon Code, there are many differences. There are no words or numbered pages. However, the Dresdon Code reminds me of todays cartoons and comic books.
    3.) How The Maya Hieroglyphs Are Written
    My thoughts about the Mayan writing process is there are weird looking pictures of strange objects. It also is time consuming. Watching this video made me feel bored and tired. It made me bored and tired because it was confusing to understand.
    The Mayans prepared their materials and chose their glyphs by making them up and did drawings based on what they saw.

  6. 1.) I would want it to tell if they sacrificed people any other way. I want to know because we only know about two ways. I am very curious if they sacrificed it to any other way to and different God.

  7. 1:I would want the codex to be about the Popol Vuh. That would be interesting! It would be very fascinating(I'm sounding like Spock) to see them written in glyphs!
    2: Well, I did notice a figure who was crouching and eating an what looked like an apple with a hair stuck out of it. And I think that the codex is written in complicated glyphs and sketches and our books have just words :p
    3: Well I think it's amazing how they came up with such a complex wrighting sample. I think I actually got goose bumps because it was so cool. But I felt like me had to try it in class (foot stomp foot stomp) and they probably gathered their materials with a quill, some berry juice probably and a sheet of papyrus.

    1. The Popol Vuh is an actual book that we have found.

    2. The Popol Vuh is an actual book, it would be a codex on their perspective on their creation.

  8. 2.) The Dresdon Codex had so much detail. It had animals, people, animal people, and so much more. These codex's are very different from books today. They have symbols and numbers. Books only have words and text. But they are alike in a way. They both tell story's with begging's,middle's,and end's.

  9. The process of writing Mayan mean you must be detailed. The video made my feel shocked. I have never seen anyone write Mayan before or know how to speak it. I felt this way because I have never seen it before. They prepare by knowing what symbols to write. They choose there symbols by the syllables in each symbol.

  10. 1. I would like to tell a codex about the ball game, because I really like sports and the ball game fascinates me as a sport.

  11. 2. I notice that some pictures have mayan numbers around it. One of the things the mayan codex has in common to a book we have today is that, I think I saw what looked like to me was mayan wording. A thing I noticed that was different was the codex has a giant long looking page and our books today has multiple pages.

  12. 3. I think the mayan process looks a little complicated, I know if we were mayan at there time then it would be easier. Watching this makes me feel a little creative because, sometimes whenever I doodle I just make connecting lines and put detail in them. I think they chose there glyphs by starting to make up there own language, then by making symbols that best shows that word or letter.

  13. 1.I would want the new Mayan book to show a lot about Mayan language.
    2.I notice that the Mayan book is almost like a regular book except the pages aren't connected. The things that are the same is that they also used paper for there books and they also had a book cover, the things that are different is that they don't have a book title and they used pitchers to tell there story.
    3. The three videos made me stressed and curious. I don't no why i;m stressed but I am curious because i'm wondering how the scientists know the Mayan wrote and I also want to learn more about the glyphs .

  14. 1.If we found another codex it would be good to learn about how they live, what they eat and what they wear.
    2. The Dresden codex is full of detailed pictures of people. I can see dots and lines, and costumes on the people. A mayan codex tells a story, just like our books tell a story. Both have pictures, but their symbols are different from our letters.
    3. I think the Mayans put a lot of detail into drawing their alphabet. It must have taken a lot of time to write a sentence. They needed to write with something thin or thick, like the tip of a feather. They may have chosen their glyphs by looking at pictures, or nature, and then using them in their symbols.

  15. 1.) If another codex was discovered, I would like to find out more about the children and there normal life.
    2.)The Dresdon Code is a manuscript filled with non usual glyphs. I find them interesting and creative and some just funny. Each glyph tells a word, senence or story.
    3.)They all started with a random drawing and got realy confusing because some of the glyphs didn't make ANY sense!

  16. 1. I would want the new codex to be about the ball game and a log of who won and lost those deadly games.
    2. The Dresden codex shows animals and people. One thing it has in common with a story is that it has pictures and, in a way, words. One thing that's different is that instead of letters, the codex has glyph's.
    3. My thoughts about the Mayan writing process is that it must have taken awhile to even draw one word, let alone hundreds of codex's. This video makes me realize that we probably will never uncover bits and pieces of this interesting language, but what we already have is amazing.

  17. 1: I think it should be more about Xilbaba and the sky because they don't really have an explanation for what's in the sky and a little about Xilbaba.

    2: the mayan manuscript is similar to modern day books because the glyphs are words and also letters. their books aren't really books, there like brochures but really really long.

    3: It must have taken a wile to create and for everyone to understand the glyphs and then make books with all the words and that must have taken for ever (not ever, but a wile) to do that.

  18. 1.) It is amazing that only four books have survived. The thing that would be a break through for me is a codex of how the Mayans actually talked back and forth to each other what it would look and feel like. That would be awesome if I can get that information.
    2.) The Dresden Codex to me looked like a short or medium sized Mayan chapter book. Everything looks so real it is beautifully designed. They have what looks like pictures almost and we have pictures and English words that are written.
    3.) The Mayan writing process is spectacular I don't know how they do it looks so hard. This guy makes it look so easy but that looks really hard I have no clue in the world how he does it because it is AMAZING!!!

  19. 1. I would like the codex to tell about how the Mayan children would've been. We know very little about Mayan children, so this would be a major breakthrough. They could've

    2. The Dresden codex is a short codex, but with many elaborate ( I like that word :>) engravings. A Mayan codex compared to a book today ("Crocodile Tears", awesome book in Alex Rider series) is similar because because they both tell a story, true or not true. They are different because the codex is a glyph, meaning it would be like a picture book, but more sophisticated. A regular book would have words in it, with minimal illustrations.

    3. I think the process was very sophisticated. Almost like how the Americans in WW2 used Navajo messaging system, I would think the Maya did that, like a letter get's captured and each city-state had its own writing system, the enemy would only think it's some jargon and throw it away, and then get ransacked. It made me feel the Maya where very smart people living in the woods, and not a bunch of Neandtrthals running around, brutally killing one another. How the scribes would've gotten prepared is they get some sort of papyrus material, an ink substance, pen device that has various points to go with it, and choose a topic (politics, mythology, etc.)to write about.

  20. 1) If another codex was discovered, I would want it to be about the ball game, a deadly sport. The leader of the losing team was sometimes killed while the winning team received a meal.

    2) The Dresen Codex consists of 39 sheets, inscribed on both sides. With pictures and symbols it is similar to how we write books today.

    3) I think the Mayan writing process was very long process. It took alot of work and though. These video's got me more interested in learning about the Mayan's.

  21. 1. If another codex was to be discovered, I would want to know more about glyphs, maybe if there were more we didn't know about?

    2. I notice that the Dresden Codex is inside a small pouch decorated to look like Jaguar skin, the sacred animal of the Mayan.

    3. The video on how to write Mayan glyphs confused me in a way, because of what certain syllables translated into. The video did interest me though, and I would love to learn how to write and decipher Mayan glyphs.

  22. 1. I would want it to explain there warfare tactics and/or there strategies.
    2. The dresden codex is really long.
    3. It confused me because of all the detail and all the different syllables you have to learn. They probably prepared there materials by having there quill next to them and the scroll in front of them. They didn't choose the glyph that looked pretty there was an actual alphabet they used.

  23. 1.
    I would like it to explain what they did for fun.... that wasn't deadly (the ball game)

  24. 2.
    I noticed the codex had a lot of numbers in it.
    The difference was that a normal book has normal pages and the codex had a super long piece of paper or whatever that just folded out.

  25. 1. If they discovered another codex, I would want the codex to be about the deadly ball game the Mayans played.

  26. 3.
    I didn't really understand how the glyphs worked, and the video made me feel bored because the whole 6 minutes I was thinking of the other things I could be doing and the fact that it was homework. but If I just watched it because I wanted to, I would have thought it was cool.

  27. 1) If another Codex was to be found, I would like the Mayan book the refer to the ways of worship.
    2) I noticed that the Dresden Codex Had very detailed coloring. This codex had pages like a modern book, but could be laid out so you could see all the pages. While watching this video, I felt more understanding to how they chose there glyphs.
    3) I think the Mayan writing processes was very creative and I now understand the glyphs more.

  28. 2. What I noticed mainly was that the Dresden codex was inside of this small pocket made of the sacred animal skin of the Mayans, Jaguar.
    With glyphs standing as words and pictures, they have the most likely close to what our books are like today.

  29. 1. If another codex was found, I think it would be neat if the codex just stated what everyone in the Mayan community did day to day.

  30. 3. I think the Mayan writing processes was very imaginative and creative, and now I understand the Mayan's writing system using glyphs. I think the Mayans' prepared their materials by laying out the materials they have to make the weapons, clothing, glyphs, and stone statues. Then put them together the way they were taught or think they should make it.
    I think they chose there glyphs by making what the see in stone and connecting it with other items they have made out of stone, making a glyph showing words and items.

  31. 2. The Dresden codex was extremely detailed. It had details like necklaces or animals as hats. It is similar to books we might read today because I thought of the codex as a picture book, and the big pictures are the pictures and the very small pictures are like the words.

  32. 3: I think that the mayan writing was cool because they use symbols for their ABCs. they did it like this because they thought that things like water was a letter in the abcs

  33. 1. if another codex was found i would like it to tell us about how the women dressed, made there clothes, and what material did they use.

    2. I noticed that the Dresden codex was inside a pouch made from the sacred animal skin of the jaguars. I also noticed that the Dresden codex was written in different colors.

    3.I think that the mayan writing process took a lot of skill, time, and preciseness. Watching the video made me feel a little dumb because i could have never done that in a million years and seeing how they came up with such artistic symbols, it blew my mind. I think that the maya prepared there materials by lining up all the brushes, feathers and other tools next to each other and putting them in order from thickest to smallest then they started making glyphs.I think they chose there glyphs by representing a large animal to a large symbol then draw what they think is a small version of the animal.

  34. 3. I think the mayan writing is cool because they use syllables instead of letters, like they use the pictures to represent ma, ta, oo, and so on. Watching this video surprised me that the Mayans spent so much time making these glyphs because they were so detailed. I think the scribes prepared materials by sharpening various tools so they could make the thin strokes that they made. I think the mayans chose the glyphs by choosing something that represented what they wanted to write about.

  35. 1) If a 5th Mayan codex was discovered I would want it to be about the Mayan sacrifice because in my opinion I find it interesting how the Mayan would cut up people and throw them in sinkholes
    2) What I noticed was that it was raped in jaguar skin
    3) I thought it was true art what the Mayan have done with their glyphs! the Maya were true artist being able to make their beautiful inscriptions with stone

  36. 1)If a new codex was found I would make it say what they were going to do before the Spanish came and burned all the rest of them

    2) The codex has things on it like caves and jaguars and other drawings. The difference between a book and a codex is that a codex is in Mayan writing and has drawings and a book is in English and has pictures and drawings. How they are the same is that they both have drawings, they both are written in, and they both can have history

    3)I think the Mayan writing process is very complex because of the specific drawings. The video made me feel like I could learn how to write in Mayan langue really easy. I think the way they chose how to write the glyphs is the places that are very important to them like caves and jaguars. And the way I think they chose there things they would write them with from what they have touched that has left a mark like coal.

  37. 1)That the Maya rode animals they sacrificed gods and that they had weapons.
    2)I could compare the dresdon codex to newspaper cartoon charlie brown and all those other terrible cartoons that no one cared about.
    3)the Mayan used a quill pen feather or animals hair they used different sized pens for different sized strokes.

  38. 1.) If a new codex was discovered, i would probably want it to talk about, how they lived before the Spanish.
    2.) The difference between the Mayan codex and the Dresden codex, is that the Dresden codex is more descriptive and you can tell what it probably means. the Mayan codex on the other hand, doesn't have such detailed codecs.
    3.) The video made me want to have a teacher teach me how to make a codex, because then i would better understand the codecs. I think that the Mayan prepared for making the codecs, by getting a feather, and some ink, and start drawing, but i know its not that. simple.

  39. 1 That the Maya rode animals they sacrificed gods and that they had weapon.
    2 What I noticed was that it was raped in Jaguar skin.
    3 The Maya used a quill pen feather or animals hair they different sized pens.

  40. I would like to find out why they thought the books were lies.Because they spent a long time working on them.Most symbols mean words but our books are written in words.I would feel confussed because one a am not a good drawer.But it would be easier to kill a animal and use the hair as I paint brush.

  41. 1. I would like a new codex to be about the Mayan architecture. I have wondered how they built the massive temples without modern tools or computer systems to see if the actual product would hold.
    2. I notice not only glyphs on the Dresden codex, but a lot of pictures of either Mayan gods or monsters. It is similar because many books today tell peoples versions of their creation. Books such as the bible can also be a codex.
    3. My thoughts are very much like an author writing a book. People may see it as very hard, but the scribes probably enjoyed drawing all of the little glyphs. I think they choose their glyphs by the start of an object in their language and drew it. For example, for the syllable ca would be the drawing of a cave.

  42. #1) I would love it if it would tell us more about the way Mayans wore there cloths because it will help us understand what maybe the style means.
    #2) I have noticed that the mothers would have carried there babies on there back with a basket, and I would compare this book to the "Wings of Fire" because they both are really cool things to read about and there are different because the Wings of Fire is more mythical than the Mayan.
    #3) My thoughts on the writing is that I thought it was really cool and that it can show us how they wrote and how they spoke, and it made me fell vary... well I can't put anything on that subject because all I felt was surprised on how good this man is and I also think and question how long it must have taken him to study and get the right symbols in the right place, I think they got all the materials by just using a brush made out of animal hair and using a type of paint, and they would choose a glyph by choosing one that has a sound or syllable that will fit best in the word.

  43. 1) They would be about Mayan sacrifice because it will tell us all about the way they did the disgusting murders. It will also tell us if we should be doing sacrifices today.
    2) Some of the books we read now don't give us as much information as when we would get from a codex. They are the same because they both can teach people about the Mayan.
    3) The video(s) made me feel happy and eager because I really want to learn more about the Mayan and know more about what happened in the Mayan civilization. I think they chose their tools by how strong they were. They wrote their glyphs in a certain way because they wanted their people to know the language. My thoughts about their writing process, was that it is amazing of how well it was written.

  44. 1. The next story I would want to be discovered is the story of the children. The different ways they grew up and how they were taken care of compared to kids these days.
    2. The details for each symbol or god and the specific colors for each person or deity. The difference compared to the Dresden Codex and the modern day books we have today is how they have symbols and glyphs for their text and the modern day books have words and sometimes pictures. The similarities are that they both written in a book form or pamphlet form. Mrs. Scudder I have a question which way do they read it from, the way we do it these days from left to right or top to bottom?
    3. My thoughts about the Mayan process is that they are very detailed and precise with their carvings or glyphs. It made me question how they made up these sounds and designs. They prepared themselves with very small, precise and complicated tool. They might have also prepared themselves with stones and then made their tools with the stone, which is very creative and interesting.

    1. Gracie, it's a little tricky to explain, so I will show you in class. :) Here is a description from AncientScripts: "Maya glyphs are read in "paired columns", meaning that the first glyph block is on the top left, the second is immediately to the right of the first, the third is under the first, the fourth under the second, and so forth. This yields a zigzagging reading order. When you arrive at the bottom of this "paired column", you will then go back up to the top and start the next paired column. In fact, scholars label glyph block horizontally with letters (A, B, C) and vertically with numbers (1, 2, 3). Hence, the reading order would be A1, B1, A2, B2, etc, until you hit the bottom. Then you start at C1, D1, C2, D2, etc."

  45. 1. I would like the new codex to explain how the Maya went about in their daily lives be cause we do not know as much about this particular topic.
    2. The codex was very detailed and looked as if they were pictures of some of the many gods that the Maya worshipped. The codex is like a book on the Mayan gods, similar to the Percy Jackson series. It is different because the codex is probably for informational purposes not for entertainment.
    3. I think that the Mayan writing process is unique, precise, and complex. I felt like it would take hours to write a singular paragraph because of all the fine details. I believe that the Maya prepared to write by making the brushes and the tools that they needed. I think that they choose the glyphs based on they sound, syllables, and what the glyph looked like.

  46. 1. I would like the codex to contain information on how to translate the Mayan language to Spanish (because English was not invented at the time) and where the other codices are hidden.
    2. The Dresden code reminded me of a picture book made by a very detailed artist that cared a lot about his work and paid attention to every single line perfectly, who ever made it obviously cared a lot about his work.
    3. The Mayan writing process was very complicated so my guess is that few people could read it. The artist put a lot of care and time into his work to make it perfect.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. 1) If there was a new codex found, I would want it to be about what the Mayans did for fun because, it seemed like they were always working.

    2) The codex looked like pictures hat represented different things such as sacrificing and worshiping. The similarities of the books we read now is, they both teach you new things and the difference is that the Mayans wrote books mainly on religious rituals and worshipping. Nowadays books are more focused on fiction or daily life.

    3) I think that the Mayans took a lot of time and were very detailed describing different moments. These videos made me curious and answered some of my questions at the end. The Mayans scribes created a rough draft, before the final script using a quill pen or animal hair brush. The Mayan's shamans were the ones writing the scripts and inventing the glyphs.

  49. 1. If there was a new codex found, I would want it to be about the mayan gods and the Red Queen.
    2. I notice that the codex looked like the people who were killed before the mayan gods.

    3.I think the mayan prepared materials by searching for them.I think the mayan writing process toke many people to do because how detailed they look.

  50. Imagine that another codex has just been discovered. What story (or piece of history) would you like it to tell about the Maya? Why?

    I would want it to be about the life of a great ruler. This would tell much of the history of the period of thaat ruler and more.

  51. Imagine that another codex has just been discovered. What story (or piece of history) would you like it to tell about the Maya? Why?

    I would want it to be about the life of a great ruler. This would tell much of the history of the period of thaat ruler and more.

  52. Describe the Dresden Codex. What do you notice in the details? Compare a Mayan codex to a book we might read today. What is similar? Different?

    I noticed that on each section their were figures, most of them sitting or crouching. comparing the Mayan codex, its simaler to a book today because it is read from left to right. It is different from a book from today cecause is no cover or pages.

  53. What are your thoughts about the Mayan writing process? How did watching this video make you feel and why? How do you think the Mayan scribes prepared their materials and chose their glyphs?

    I think the mayan wrighting system is very complicated and intricate. Watching this video made me feel impressed of how much a person has to learn to wright in the Mayan weighting system. I think that the mayans test each tool before choosing one to use, and that they plan very thoroughly before they begin.
