Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Popol Vuh

Hello 6th Graders!

Please watch the following video from the Smithsonian Institution (click on link) and think about the questions listed below.  Post your answers by Tues, Oct 8th.  You may need to watch the video a couple of times before answering!  Don't worry, it's short!

The Creation Story of the Maya

Answer the following questions: 

1.  How did they (the deities/gods) create the earth?
2.  What was the importance of the Ceiba Tree?
3.  What kinds of humans did the gods create and then destroy as failed attempts?  What had gone wrong?

Enjoy!  We'll talk more about this in class.  :)


  1. 1.They created the earth by using their powers
    2.The importance of the tree was to separate the Maya under world from the Maya heaven
    3.The humans they made first were the humans made from mud the second humans they made were the humans made from wood. What went wrong is that the humans couldn't worship the gods so then they just destroyed them.

  2. Mrs. Scudder I would like to share with you an idea I had about the Maya. I think we should each get pared up with a partner and each create a model of the giant heads let me know what you think. Thanks

  3. 1.the gods created the earth by using their powers.
    2. The Ceiba Tree was important because it made space for all life.
    3.The first humans were made out of mud they had no souls so they were destroyed,The second humans were made out of wood after that they were destroyed , Those who survived became monkeys that's what they thought.

  4. 1. The deities helped Heart Sky create the Earth, and it took 6 days in the process. First, they made made plants, then animals, who did not worship, for they could not speak, then they made humans.
    2. The Ceiba tree made room for all life on earth, be it on earth, or in the afterlife.
    3. First, the deities made humans out of mud, but they had no soul, so they did not worship. They were destroyed in the Great Flood. Again the deities made humans out of wood, but the y did not worship, so they were also destroyed. The survivors were then monkeys. Then, the last try, the deities made humans out of yellow and white corn, but, since having souls, they worshipped, and thats how humans were

  5. Q1.There spirit and miraculous power were one of the helpful ways of creating Earth also there heart which was called "Heart of Earth."
    Q2.The importance of the Ceiba Tree is to make space for all life, the roots grew down to underworld and the branches went 13 levels in the Maya upper world.
    Q3. They created and destroyed the mud people because they had no souls, then created the wood people and then destroyed them.
    What had gone wrong is they were not good keepers of the day so they destroyed the people.

  6. 1.They created the earth by using their powers from the gods.
    2.The tree was so important to the Maynas because it separated the Mayna under world from the Maya heaven
    3.first humans: made from mud the second humans: they made were the humans made from wood. What went wrong is that the humans couldn't worship the gods so then they just destroyed them.

  7. 1. The gods used their spirit and powers to create the Earth.
    2. The tree was important because it separated the sky from the earth. And the tree also made space for all life.
    3. First, the gods made humans out of mud, but the humans did not have souls so they could not worship the gods. Then, they attempted making humans again out of wood this time, but failed because they could not worship the gods either.

  8. 1. It took 6 days,the gods helped Heart Sky create the earth. They made plants,animals and humans.
    2. The Ceiba tree was important because it separated the sky from the earth making space for all life.
    3. The gods created humans from mud and from wood. What went wrong is the humans had no souls and could not worship the gods so they killed them.

  9. 1.)The deities/gods created the earth via a framer and shaper giving creative energy to the earth and called it the heart of the sky.
    2.) The importance of the Ceiba Tree was it made space for all life and separated the heart from the earth.
    3.) The types of humans the gods created and destroyed were:
    a. Humans were first made out of mud. They had no souls and were then destroyed.
    b. The second humans were made out of wood. They could not worship and were also destroyed. Some may have survived and turned into monkeys.
    A bird claimed to be the sun and moon. It was found to not be true and it was killed with darts.
    Eventually, humans were created from white and yellow corn. This was a precious substance to the gods.

  10. 1. The deities gave the Earth energy and they created plants, then animals, then humans.

    2. The Ceiba tree was important because it separates the sky from the Earth.

    3. The gods had created wood humans and mud humans, but failed because they had no souls.

  11. The gods created the Earth by giving energy and creating the Earth's heart.

    The Cieba tree is important because it separates the sky and ground.

    The first humans were made of mud, and had no soles and were not good keepers.The next humans were mate of wood but could not worship, so the gods destroyed them. The ones that survived became the monkeys. The final humans were made of the precious substance, corn.

  12. 1) The gods created the world by using power and spirits.

    2) The tree represents, roots as the under world, trunk as surface of the earth and the leaves as the upper world.

    3) The first humans which the gods created were made of mud. They could not worship and had no souls, so they were destroyed by a flood. The second humans were made of wood and also could not worship or talk. so it was said that the survivors became monkeys.

  13. 1. The gods created the earth by using their spirit essence and their miraculous powers.
    2. The tree was important because it separated the underworld from the Mayan upper world and created space for all life.
    3. First the humans were made from mud, then from wood. Neither had souls, and could not worship the gods, then because of this they were destroyed.

  14. 1. Deities created the earth with spiritual essence and miraculous powers that gave it energy. Earth was given a name and it was called the heart of the earth. It also had a sun and moon who were one. They were called the seven-macaw. However, they were separated by twin Gods who shot darts at seven-macaw, banishing him entirely. They then became known as the sun and the moon of the sky.

    2. The Gods planted a tall Ceiba tree with roots that penetrated down into the Maya underworld, and branches that reached into the Maya heavens. They planted this tree to separate the earth from the sky.

    3. The Gods then created humans. At first, they made them out of mud, but when they couldn’t worship, they were destroyed by a flood. The Gods then tried creating them out of wood, but again they did not worship. This again led to their destruction. There were survivors; however, they were turned into monkeys. The Gods tried again, but this time creating them out of corn. The corn people were able to worship the Gods, so they were able to thrive on earth.

  15. 1. The gods created a specific tree that made the earth and space all around it.

    2. The Ceiba tree was the tree that separated earth from the skys.

    3. The gods wanted to make humans that could worship them, so they made them out of different materials since they couldn't worship the gods the gods destroyed them. There were survivors but were turned into monkeys, the gods then made humans out of corn they worshiped so the gods didn't destroy them.

  16. 1) The deities created the Earth and the heart of the earth with their miraculous powers
    2) The cieba tree seperated the earth from the sky
    3)The people were made from mud and wood, but since they couldn't thrive or worship the gods, they were destroyed.

  17. 1. Six deities with green and blue feathers joined with the Heart of Sky (a god) to create the earth. Their spirit essence and miraculous powers gave the earth its energy.

    2. The significance of the Ceiba Tree was to separate the earth and the sky.

    3. The gods created the humans out of mud, but they had no soul so they were destroyed in a flood. Then they tried to make humans out of wood, but failed again.


  18. 1) The gods used the esaints of some of there power to make the earth.
    2)The tree separates the ground from the sky
    3)First the gods made people out of mud but they couldn't warship. Then they make them out of wood but that didn't work because they couldn't thrive or warship the Gods.

  19. 1. The gods created earth by using there powers and spirits.

    2. The Cebia tree was planted to separate the sky and the earth's surface making space for our life.

    3.The gods first created humans out of mud but they did not have a soul so they could not worship the gods so they destroyed them in a flood. The second humans they made were out of wood and did not have a soul either so they destroyed them too. The gods finally made humans out of corn white and yellow. They say that the survivors of the first and second humans became monkeys.

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  21. 1. They used their religious powers and their many spirits to create our earth. They had the framer, the shaper, bill and the serpent that would create earth.

    2. It was important because it would separate the sky and earth to give us our life.

    3. The kinds of humans they made were made of mud and wood. They could not be worshipped because they have no soul and they were not able to talk. Therefore the thing the went wrong was that they could not speak or do anything at all.

  22. The earth was created the the heart of the sky and powerful spirits, witch made the heart of earth. The tall Ceiba tree separated the sky from the earth and the earth from the underworld. Finally, the first "humans" where made of mud, but they could not worship so the gods destroyed them in a flood.The second type of "human" was made of wood but they could not worship so they where destroyed. The survivors where turned into monkeys.

  23. 1. The gods created the earth by helping the heart of our earth and sky using their powers and spirits.
    2. The Ceiba tree separated the earth from the sky and from the underground.
    3. The first of "man and woman" were made of mud and wood. They could not be worshipped because they had no soul and could not talk. So they had to be destroyed and they were. Any survivors of these "humans" were turned into monkeys.

  24. 1. The six deities lived in the watery blackness. They create the world in six days. Their energy went into the Heart Earth.
    2. The Ceiba tree Separated the upper World branches (11 levels) , from the trunk (surface) from the under world (9 levels) , There was room for everyone.
    3.First the Maya gods made people from mud. They had no souls and did't worship right. They were destroyed in a flood. The second people were made of wood. They were killed too. The final people were made from corn after the Hero Twins won Their battle. They were good people.

  25. 1. The six gods made the world with the help of the heart of the earth and sky, with their spirits and powers.
    2. The Ceiba tree separated the sky with its branches, the trunk the ground, and the roots the underworld.
    3.The first "Humans" were made of mud they had no souls, so they could not worship the gods, the gods destroyed the mud people in a flood. The next humans were made of wood they also could not worship the gods so they destroyed them. Then they made humans out of precious corn yellow and white. The humans that were made of mud and wood that survived were turned into monkeys.

  26. 1. They created the earth by using their power and gave the earth creative energy.

    2. The ceiba tree seperated the sky from the earth.They plant this tree making space for all life. The roots penetrated deep in the under world.

    3. They created humans from mud,but they had no souls and were destroyed in the great flood. They then created humans from wood. The wooden people could not workship, so they were destroyed, and became monkeys in the trees.

  27. 1. The dieties created the heart of the earth using their spirits and powers.
    2. To separate the heart of the sky from the heart of the earth.
    3.The first humans were made of mud but they could not worship so dieties wiped them out by a giant flood. The second attempt of humans were made out of wood but they could not worship so deities wiped them out. The third attempt of humans was made out of corn and they were perfect.

  28. 1. The earth was made when the 6 gods saw the blandness in the world so they used their spiritual powers to create it
    2. The tree separated the earth from the sky and created more more room for the gods to move around
    3. The first people were made of mud but since they did not respect the gods well they all got washed out by a flood. The 2nd humans were made of wood and also did not respect the gods so the killed them all and the only people that survived turned into monkeys. The 3rd and last batch of humans made turned out to be okay so they all lived to see another day.

  29. 1:The gods created our earth by using magic items and rituals to make the earth and its heart
    2: the tree gave room for the gods to move around and gave them space to do things 3:the first people were made out of wood, then mud, but failed because they wood and mud people had no respect for the gods did not worship and had no souls for life.

  30. 1)They created the Earth with the help of the heart of the sky and the deities used there spirited essence.
    2)The Ceiba tree was one of a kind of tree you never seen used before it separated the sky and the ground
    3)One of the things they tried to create of humans was mud. They destroyed it because it didn't have a soul of any kind. Also they tried wood but they got destroyed because they couldn't worship there great and powerful gods.

  31. 1. The Gods created the earth by their spirits and gave earth energy.
    2. The Ceiba tree was to give space for all life.
    3. The Mayas were made from mud, but they didn't have any soul so they were destroyed by the great floods, the seoncd ones were made out of wood and they couldn't worship so they destroyed them.

  32. #1: The gods used spirit essence and great power to create the earth and sky.
    #2: The Ceiba tree was used to separate the earth from the sky and the underworld.
    #3: The gods made wooden men and women but they had no motion (not alive).

  33. 1)The way earth was created is they made one tree that was 13 maya levels to have room to make life.So the Gods made earth a herat and they made plants anmials then humans.

    2)The tree was important because it helped them have room to make life.

    3)The humans where made of wood,and mud and the reason they destoryed them is because they could not prey to the gods.

  34. 1)Gods used spirt power to give earth energy.
    2)The Ceiba tree was used to divide the earth from space.
    3)the human men were made of wood the human women were made of mud they didn't worship the gods so they got destroyed.

  35. #1 The gods used spirit essence and great power to create the earth and sky.
    #2 The tree was important because it helped them have room to make life.
    #3 The people were made from mud and wood, but since they couldn't thrive or worship the gods, they were destroyed.

  36. 1.) The gods' spiritual essence gave the earth it's creative power.
    2.) The Cieba Tree was to give space to all life.
    3.) All of the people were made of wood and mud, but the y couldn' worship the gods so thwy were destroyed.

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  37. 1)the gods used spirit power to create the earth
    2)the tree separated the sky and the other world
    3)people were made of mud and wood, but they were destroyed because they showed no respect to the gods

  38. 1.they used thie powers
    2.the seba tree separated the sky from the earth
    3.they made people from wood but they destroyed them because they had no souls
