Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Olmec

Your assignment for this week is due on TUES, Oct 1st.  

A great stone head from the Olmec civilization 

1.  Watch the following video:  

The Olmecs : Secrets of the Ancient Olmecs

The entire documentary is about 48 minutes.  You only need to watch the first 10-15 minutes (or so!).  I just want you to see an introduction to the Olmec heads and their importance to the Olmec culture.  This pre-Maya civilization is famous for their ceremonial stone heads and the challenges of moving massive-sized rock many miles through swamps and jungles!  

2.  Then, read the following description of the Olmec Civilization (click on the link below):

The Ancient Olmec Civilization

After watching the video and reading the website (above), post your answer to the following question:

Question:  There are very few written records that tell us about the Olmec civilization, so why do you think it's important that we try to learn more about them?  

Remember to:  

Answer in complete sentences.
Check your spelling and punctuation.  


  1. Q: The ancient Olmec's were one of the first civilizations in Mesoamerica. Olmec's had to walk a little over 100 miles from there shelter to get the rock or stone. The first Olmec's were known to live in San Lorenzo, Tenochtitlan. The big fuss though is how the Olmec's transported the rock and stone. People will try to find out how they do it by trying by water and land the Olmec way. The Olmec's did not use metal to transport there rock and stone. That's why people try the different ways the Olmec's could have transported the rock and stone to make the big heads. The ancient Olmec civilizations should be important because they were some of the first cool things found in San Lorenzo. Then because nobody has found out the ways the Olmec's transported the rock and stone. Is it by water or is by land? I have to know so does every body else!!!

  2. Because if it's true that they gave us some ideas, then maybe there are other ideas they had that we can use.

  3. Well, they gave us so much already that it's more than likely that there has to be a lot more to discover.

  4. The Olmec was the first civilization in Mexico. They had remarkable tools and statues. Plus we barrel know anything about them. The more we learn the more information we will know. Also the Olmec would be cool to know about.

  5. As human beings we all have to know what the Olmec did to transport the rock that was so far away to their grounds in San Lorenzo. We also have become overcome with curiosity on how they made their heads so beautifully without any cracks or creases and made them with stone/wooden tools. Since we all have come this far in researching I think we should keep researching on the Olmec to find out any cool information that we can learn and come across. I am very curious and I am sure everybody else in the world who has heard of the Olmec are too.

  6. I think that learning about the Olmec is important because they had a influence on the Aztecs and the Mayans in Mexico. It is a mystery how they moved the 10 to30 ton stones from the mountains. Learning about the Olmec we can learn how they used to do things

  7. As one of the first civilizations in Mesoamerica it is amazing how these ancient people achieved such huge and difficult tasks. Even using modern day tools these giant stone heads would have taken a very long period of time to finish and move long distances.

  8. Its important because they could give us clues that are important to humanity. Such as how to do things without using electricity.

  9. The Olmec civilization came before the Aztecs and the Mayans. It is important to learn more about the Olmec's so we can understand how they were able to perform hard jobs without advanced technology. For example, how were they able to move a 20 ton rock and how did they make sculptures without metal tools.

  10. Like carving stones without using metal and big heavy equipment powered by electricity. Also it teaches us more about what we came from which is important because we need to learn how things use to be.

  11. I think it would be good to know more about the Olmecs because archaeologists believe that they had many contributions to other cultures such as the Mayans and Aztecs. For example, they think the Olmec's religious beliefs and development of astronomy and the calendar might have led to later discoveries by the Aztecs and the Mayans. It would also be great to solve the mystery of how the stone for the giant stone heads was transported.

  12. The reason why we should study the Olmec is because they are one of the earliest Mesoamerican civilizations. And the could've influenced many things in the modern world, but we still need to find out

  13. I think it is important to learn more about the Olmec civilization because they carved at least 17 heads with stone,used no metal tools and we don't know how they accomplished this. We don't know how it was transported and placed. There must be much more to learn from them.

  14. Oops. Messed up. The reason why we should study the Olmec is because they are one of the earliest Mesoamerican civilizations, and they could've influenced many things in the modern world, but we still need to find out.

  15. I think that studying the Olmec is important because they were one of the earliest Mesoamerican civilizations and they did so many things that today we can't do with out the use of many different tools and we should take that as an advantage to learn beyond what we already know.

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  17. A : I think that we should learn more about them because maybe in the future, the secrets the statues may hold, may help us with a problem that we may have.

  18. I think important to keep learing about the Olmec because we could use some of the Olmec ways and make our ways more than just using electricity to do things for us.It would also help us more to know how the Olmec moved over three ton heads carved out of rock without metal tools moved from 30 miles or more away with know wheels.

  19. I think it is important that we learn more about the Olmec's because it might help us unlock new ways of looking at the world or more ideas for the future.

  20. Question: There are very few written records that tell us about the Olmec civilization, so why do you think it's important that we try to learn more about them? 

    It has been made very clear that the Olmec had much influence on the Aztec and Mayan empires. They accomplished great feats with out very advanced technology. Why do I think we should learn more about the Olmec? Well they made huge statues and imported the stone for the statues over very tough terrain. Some of these things they did we can’t even do today with modern technology. If modern society used the technics of the Olmec used to move massive things and combined modern technology, imagine what could be built. Also because the Olmec had such a big influence on the Aztec and Mayans learning more e about the Olmec could uncover many things about the Mayans and Aztec. So little is known about the Olmec, and for all the great things they have done, they deserve to have more thing known about their once ruling empire.

  21. It is important to learn about the Olmecs because we don’t know a lot about them. If we learn how they made these types of statues with primitive tools, we can learn about their architecture during that era. If we learn about their culture too, we can study why they made these statues and how they preserved them. This is beneficial for archeologists as well because they can pass down the information to people who are intrigued with this culture, including students learning archeology/civilization.

  22. We should learn more about the Olmec's because they are part of the Mayan history, and we are studying most of the Maya, right? Yes. So what if there is not much information. Their is enough for what we are doing. Right? Yes. That is why we should study the Olmec Civilization.

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  25. It is important to learn about the Omlec's because they influenced so many civilizations after them. If it wasn't for them, many traditions practiced for centuries after the Omlec would would most likely would have not been invented, taking away from the rich cultures there where yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

  26. It's important to learn about the Olmec's so that we can discover new thing about the Olmec.

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  28. The Olmecs were a civilization that came before the Ancient Maya. The heads were used in ceremonies. Learning about this helps us understand what the Olmecs thought was religious and what was important to them. All civilizations have this in common.
    (Conor Geary)

  29. I think that it is important for us to learn about the Olmec's because it can give us important information on how early civilization survived, and how they use to create things.

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  31. It is important that we learn about the Olmec because they carved giant heads out of rocks, jade, and volcanic rock basalt. They were able to carve these giant heads without the use of metal. They may be the first people to use tools. This is important because the Mayan’s may have found their tools and made them better.

  32. The Olmecs were important because they are considered the "mother of civilization" and built amazingly huge objects and moved them through rough terrain without the invention of wheels. They may also be the answers to our questions about moving heavy objects.

  33. The Olmec is important because it shows generation's what that civilization did to survive, before there was all this new stuff and what they discovered then for us to find out now.

  34. It is important to learn about how they did things because if they could figure how to do stuff back then we can use their ideas so we can do things now by making things more better and easier.

  35. I think that it is important because the few written records can tell us what they acted like, how they hunted, what they ate and how they carved these huge heads. Then we can compare our civilizations to theirs.

  36. The reason that we should learn more about these olmecs are dating so far back in 900 bc and the mayans went through the most hard turain because they didnot have wheels horseback or anything acept rope wood and that is it but the reason that we should learn this because it brings us back so far we would want to learn it

  37. It's important to learn about the Olmec culture, because we can learn new things from what they left behind. For example: we can find out how they carried 20 ton volcanic rocks over 100 miles, then made sculptures out of them. It also helps us to understand different and ancient cultures. It gives us clues how they made sacrifices. The Olmec culture greatly influenced the Aztec and Mayan cultures.

  38. We should learn about the Olmec because it gives us information about 900 bc and how the Mayans went through hard times like having to hunt for food,not having medicine for disease and wounds .Learing what they went though would give us a new prospective on life as we know it.

  39. Learning about the Olmec is important since they pulled huge boulders long distances with our new age tools. In La Venta there are many large head stones in the middle of the swamps where there are no rocks around, they had to of brought them in from a 100 miles away. I wonder why and how did the move the giant boulders.

  40. because they carved magnificent faces from stone and if we learn more about them then it might help us build even more awesome things than we already do.

  41. I believe learning about the Olmec is important because all history in general is important, but Olmec history is unique in how the Olmec lived and how they were the first known civilization in Mezoamerica.

  42. Learning about the Olmec is important because they were making these large face like carvings in stones and now it gives us a little bit to figure out about the Olmec and how they lived with all the other things we might need to know.

  43. Learning about the Olmec is important because they were making these large faces like carvings in stone and now it gives us a little bit to figure out about the Olmec and how they lived with all the other things we might need to know.

  44. I studying the Olmec is important because most Olmec history relates to Mayan history because in class I read lots of articles about Mayan history and it will be relative to the Olmec history

  45. I think we should learn more about the Olmec because the tools they used back then are way different from the tools we use now. One slip up when moving the stone rock to place to place can cause more hiking .

  46. Studying the Olmec is important because most Olmec history relates to Mayan history because in class I read lots of articles about Mayan history and it relates to the Olmec history.
